new member- i have no idea what im doing :-P


New Member
hello everyone. um.. i want to set up a new tank. i need help with a lot of things like what tank size i need, filters....EVERYTHING:confused: can anyone help me in my little "eperiment/project"?
:needhelp: :needhelp: :needhelp: :needhelp:
meanwhile...:happyfish :happy: :happyfish


ko first the more water you have the better so the larger the tank the better.
filtration depends on what kind of tank you want, if you want a reef(corals and fish), you will need to buy an RO/DI unti, a nice skimmer, a sump, as much live rock as you can, live sand, and frequent water changes
Aggresive tank lots of live rock, wet/dry filter with bioballs (clean regualry)skimmer, and heavy water changes
Fish only, same as reef, but less water changes and live rock.
this is nto a cheap hobby also, i have more then 1K in my 55 gallon reef, im 14 and thats alot for a kid to make....

debbie g

Your first purchase should be a book called "The conscientious marine aquarist". It will answer many questions for you. Now and in the future too. You have to learn about "cycling", etc. way too many things to simply state here. In my opinion, the book will be invaluable to you. Good luck!


MontiDanae,the only thing I don't agree with you is the live sand.I don't think he should buy live sand because if he's gonna have alot of live rock then the live rock will seed it.
Sorry I just think live sand is a waste of money.:yes: