New Member


New Member
Hey everybody I'm a new member I'm bout to start working on my 50 gallon tank i just wanted to know some good advice on what type of fish i should start with until i start adding more expensive fish


Well-Known Member

Welcome to the site!
If you just started your tank you have a great deal more to concern yourself with then inexpensive fish. Tell us about your tank and equipment. What kind of lighting, how much live rock or live sand. Do you have power heads? That kind of info.


Well-Known Member
Do u test ur water and how often?>Welcome always good to have more pps on the site!

Wat fish were u thinkin in ur 50gal. These are questions along with flowers, as i still wanna know a lot of that as well!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower http:///forum/thread/385438/new-member#post_3380173

Welcome to the site!
If you just started your tank you have a great deal more to concern yourself with then inexpensive fish. Tell us about your tank and equipment. What kind of lighting, how much live rock or live sand. Do you have power heads? That kind of info.
Let us know where you are on your on your build, what your plans are with the tank (FOWLR or a Reef, ect.) how long (if any time) you have had your tank set up, then comes the cycle questions.
With the preliminary information, it helps us recommend a proper stocking options. Stocking on a 50 is pretty expansive. There are a few exclusions because of size, coral, ect.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MarsBlackmon http:///forum/thread/385438/new-member#post_3380170
Hey everybody I'm a new member I'm bout to start working on my 50 gallon tank i just wanted to know some good advice on what type of fish i should start with until i start adding more expensive fish

I would get the Pocket Expert Marine Fishes Guide by: Scott W. Michael
Thumb through that book and post a list of what you like. Then narrow it down to what you can keep...


The book that they're recommending is awesome. There are two others in the series, "Reef Fishes" and "Invertebrates" that are just as good.
What fish have you seen that you like?
Is it going to be a reef or fish only?


New Member
i just had to restart it because i wanted my tank from around a lot of noise so it wouldn't rattle the fish and i have to replace my filter because om my nephew


A trigger is not going to work out well in a 50G, it's not large enough for them. Triggers really need 90+ gallons.


There can be other issues with Triggers depending on the type of tank. Most triggers are too aggressive for a reef tank. Even my relatively docile Niger Trigger has a nasty habit of ripping chunks of food away from my Bubbletip Anemone. I believe he also some times dines on smaller Peppermint shrimp.


New Member
Hope you are doing just fine over there.My name is Lovet.I just want to let you know that l came accross your contact here and l found you interesting,hope you don't mind.
If you are interested in knowing more about me and for me to send you my picture,just feel free to contact me at my private mail address at