New Metal Halide For Sale


I have a DIY Metal Halide system that I bought and then decided that it was too much for my 45 gallon tank. It was only on for 2 hours. It comes with a 12000k Sunburst bulb. I am asking $215 I would like to get money for it, I don't want to trade. My email is Let me know if you are interested.

richard rendos

Active Member
What is the wattage? Does it come with a reflector?
P.S. by the can get a new 400 watt metal halide system (ballast/reflector/mogul socket/bulb) with 20K radium bulb for like $160.00 plus shipping.


This does come with everything. Reflector, base, bulb, etc... Through experience I have learned that you get what you pay for. By that I mean if you pay only $160 for a 400 watt Metal Halide. Then you are getting just that, a cheap setup that will probably run up your electric bill so much more than a more expensive setup that it will be cheaper to pay more for a better ballast.

richard rendos

Active Member
PFO, one of the best metal halide ballast makers around, uses an M59 magnetic ballast inside their pretty enclosure. The setup I am referring to also uses an M59 ballast. I have owned ballasts from several different makers, in all different wattages, and found PFO to be the most reliable and drive bulbs the best. I would still like to know what wattage and the ballast brand name.
slick - go to the website where you can say "hello" to "lights". it is not put together for you as a kit, but if you buy the ballast, the bulb, the reflector, the mogul socket, and power cord, it adds up to $160.00.


It is a DIY 400 w setup with a Sunburst lamp. It comes with everything you will need to use it. I just cannot return it because it has been too long for me to get my money back ($240). I just really need to sell this light. I'll even take $180 for the entire setup. You will be more than pleased with this light.