new MH light 10000k good enough?


I just got a MH pendent and was wondering what kinda bulb I should get next if/ when I replace this one. Right now I have a LTA and looking to start with some zoos or other easy soft corals in the near future...also have 100 watts of 50/50 pc lighting. Should I go 20,000k or something else?

By the way the bulb is 175 watts .


Active Member
The bigger the number the more blue the light.
Do you want the tank to look blue and "deep" or more bright with faster growing corals.


Active Member
i like to start out with a 10k or 14k, corals grow fastest under this. then once your corals are growing good, if you want you can switch over to a 20k for a more bluish look and to get more color out of your tank. i personally like to stick with the 14k, but i may swith over to 20k becasue i have to replace my bulbs soon anyway.


I like how it looks now nice and bright and the colors on the fish look bright and crisp....will any coral I get still grow and be ok under a 10,00k? They just grow slower under different lights right?


Active Member
Originally Posted by RoyalGamma
I like how it looks now nice and bright and the colors on the fish look bright and crisp....will any coral I get still grow and be ok under a 10,00k? They just grow slower under different lights right?
you should get the best/fastest growth under 10k, i say should because it also depends on your PAR values and what not.


ok don't know what PAR Values are?
...I have this on a 44 gallon pentagonal corner tank its about 20 inches to the sand from the top. But some of the rock is 5 or 6 inches from the top.


Active Member
Kelvin is really a matter of preference to you.
as long as its 6500K (reddish light) or higher, it makes little difference IME.
10k is more yellow
14-15k is mostly white
and 20k is blue-white.
so the higher K, the deeper down in the imaginary ocean your little reef appears.


Active Member
175wt should be fine in your tank.
For one bulb I'd go for around 10,000k. I've got 4 HQI's on my tank and I alternate 20,000k / 10,000k, 10,000k / 20,000k across the top. I really like how it looks.