New Member
generally how long does it take for a midas blenny to start acting normal?
I just got a midas blenny last friday he was very stressed when I got him home but assumed everything was okay his color was yellow almost brown I acclimated him for 1 hour and he swam to the nearest rock when I put him in my 29 gallon reef. the next day the first thing I did was lookin my tank for him he found a new place to hide but his color wasn't improved at all. I fed him before work and he ate a couple small pieces of mysis shrimp that came close to his hiding spot. the next couple days he wouldn't eat at all. It is now tuesday and I am worried about him he has only eaten 2 times (both when I gave him mysis he wont touch anything else) he doesnt move from his hiding spot by the side of my tank and everytime I think his color is getting better he gets dark again as soon as I feed the tank. the only other fish I have in there is a banggai cardinal. is this normal for a midas blenny? or is something wrong? my nitrates are at 15 with 0 ammonia and nitrites. could the nitrates be affecting him? any help would be appriciated
I just got a midas blenny last friday he was very stressed when I got him home but assumed everything was okay his color was yellow almost brown I acclimated him for 1 hour and he swam to the nearest rock when I put him in my 29 gallon reef. the next day the first thing I did was lookin my tank for him he found a new place to hide but his color wasn't improved at all. I fed him before work and he ate a couple small pieces of mysis shrimp that came close to his hiding spot. the next couple days he wouldn't eat at all. It is now tuesday and I am worried about him he has only eaten 2 times (both when I gave him mysis he wont touch anything else) he doesnt move from his hiding spot by the side of my tank and everytime I think his color is getting better he gets dark again as soon as I feed the tank. the only other fish I have in there is a banggai cardinal. is this normal for a midas blenny? or is something wrong? my nitrates are at 15 with 0 ammonia and nitrites. could the nitrates be affecting him? any help would be appriciated