New multi rock....couple of ID's please


I got this rock from my lfs they had it in a nano cube for over a year now, so when they decided to sell it I was first in line.
It was a total impulse buy and I have no idea what 3 of the corals are but I know That I have plenty of light because it was under less light in the nanocube than it is now.


Active Member
Very interesting sps. Can't be sure but it looks like a species Montipora to me. Does it have protruding corallites(area where polyps come out of)? Other than that very intersting growth form.


Active Member
Now I'm second guessing myself. Anyway, I haven't seen anything with a growth form quite like that. It doesn't seem to have any growth pattern whatsoever.


yes the corallites do protrude but not all that much and up close they look a little diffrent from montipora

yosemite sam

Active Member
That sps is really interesting. There are some 'rough' branching forms of monitpora, but I'm not sure what you've got there. A macro would help, but maybe one of the sps gurus will know. The other thing, in the second picture, I think is a turbinaria, or scroll cup. A very cool rock, indeed. Nice find.