New mushroom rock....need id also


no i didn't drip b/c i couldn't find my tube but i did add a shotglass of water every 5 min or so for a hour and a half. hopefully they'll make it.
Thanks for the compliments on the rockwork everybody


Active Member
Originally Posted by bs21
no i didn't drip b/c i couldn't find my tube but i did add a shotglass of water every 5 min or so for a hour and a half. hopefully they'll make it.
Thanks for the compliments on the rockwork everybody
it may make it, thats way on the short side for starfish acclimation time but you may get lucky.
one of my buddies bought a rock 2 months ago and just dropped it into his tank without acclimating and a black and red brittle crawled out the next day, its still alive after two months. IMO the thing should be dead but I think his water parameters were so close to that of the petstore where he bought it that osmotic shock didnt take hold thankfully because its a beautiful star.


yea when it was at the store i could see the little dusters on it but had no idea all the other stuff was there that i found after.


Active Member
This is likely a common hitch hiker brittlestar. I does fine without the long acclimation and is likely full grown. They will not get larger. It is likely in the genus Ophiactis or Ophiocomella (or relative). It probably has 6 arms, and frequently reproduces by splitting.
It is of no threat whatsoever, IMO to anything in the tank. You probably have a lot more.


thanks for the reply ophiura the one looked like it had about 6 legs or so and there are 6 or 7 groups of legs i have seen sticking out of rocks and so far they seem to be a live pulling their legs in and out but they haven't come out of the rock at all from what i can tell. To bad b/c starfish are cool and i would like to watch them but oh well.