new nano pics


Hello just got some new stuff for my 10 gallon wanted to share i'm very happy with the way the tank is going so far



I got them from that store i told you about i'll be getting the green ones soon....20 bucks...around here that's a great price


Active Member
kyuuuuuuute :joy:
How old is your tank? Do you have any fish in it yet? what lights are you running?


the tank is about 3 weeks old maybe a little more. i used water and rock from my 1 year old main display. I got the sandthat was alive and i never went through a cycle..i had a watchman gobie in there after 7 days.
My list
4 snails
4 hermits
1 yellow watchman gobie
1 linkia star
1 torch coral
1 mushroom rock
1 brown with green center sea mat
1 orange rim Zoa cluster
My lights are 96 watts PC


ohh he would be moved once he's to big i have a 55 gallon as well i just wanted a tiny starfish for my 10... while he's small anyway


yea he probobly won't stay in this tank long. he's living in my mushrooms right now but i think he'll just go to my 55.


i dont mean to cause any problems, but is that a torch coral you have in your nano pics? IMO it doesnt look like it is doing so hot....


Active Member
torches are very difficult to keep and by the looks of it i would have to say that you dont have enough light on your tank to even attempt keeping one. I deffinately wouldnt keep a torch without halides, even those with halides have had difficulty keeping them.


Give your torch a chance...the light should be fine. Make sure you add the right supplements etc. I'm starting to get overgrown with it and have it under less light than you do. Just keep an eye on it.


If i could i'd frag it an only keep one crown because it's mich to big...actually i'd like to trade the whole thing i just don't know where to do that around here in's going to end up stinging my other corals... also this one is pretty healthy compared to every other torch i've seen under halides


Active Member
lol than you have not seen very well kept tanks because that (no offense) is not a healthy looking torch.


Well i'd have to say it's a healthy torch and there's actually so much light in the tank i have to change the light level on my camera making the tank look darker in order to get good pictures. If not the pictures are blinded.