New Nano Tank Qs


Active Member
I have a ten gallon nano that is cycling with live rock. I would like to build a mountain of coral and associated stuff. What max lighting should I use (15 w now), Should I get a blue light also? Temp 78 now)?. I have a small power head and simple filter. What is the best vs. cost nano filter? The filter I have is a simple Walmart special. Any PICs and info would make me a friend forever! GG


well lets far as your lighting, it depends on what type of corals you plan on keeping. As far as filtration I am assuming the wal mart filter is some type of bio wheel or sponge/pad filter if so that will work fine. In a saltwater tank Liverock is your best means of natural filtration, so get plenty. On my 10 gal I have been using a biowheel 125 I removed the wheel and filled the filter up with liverock rubble, sometimes I pit a carbon filter pad in there. so what type of corals are you planning on keeping?


Active Member
Don't I need a protein skimmer with my 10 g? My Cannon Dig Cam will not get PICs small enough. I will have to figure that out?


yes it is a derasa clam.
I have a current usa 2x40w pc light
about the skimmer some have them on a 10 gal most don't, IMO a good fuge is far better for a 10 gal than a protein skimmer my next upgrade I will be adding a 10 gal fuge to my setup


Originally Posted by puffer24/7
the best filter for nanoes are aquaclears get out and buy one trust me i know my nanoes
if I am going to get a nano tank would you buy a pre- made nano tank or make one use a 20 gal. tank with this filter? :notsure:
pro and con of bolth would be great!
thanks every one!


It is less of hassle to buy a pre-made nano as it comes with everything you need to have a softie reef tank. Also a lot of people find them aesthetically pleasing because of the clean lines and the lack wires sticking out everywhere. However, premade nanos are significantly more expensive at about 175-200 bucks for the 12 gallon and about 250 for the 24 gallon. If you are going down the premade road I would suggest the Aquapod. It is superior in every way to the jbj nano cube(including the cost(it is cheaper)).
email me and I will send you some links about the aquapod. Sorry they won't let me post them here.