New Nano...what di need?


Ok, can you guys post you tanks and equipment for them? what type of corals and fish.......i know there are pictures in here but i would like them all in one place and some thoughts on how i should go about my 20 gal. nano i am building (ex. lighting, filtration, live rock/sand).


Active Member
15-20 lbs of live sand
30 lbs of live rock " i love marshal island live rock cost a little more then fiji tho"
an ro/di unit "optional but worth it imo"
I would go with a 150watt Mh for a 20 gallon tank.
Water test kit. Ammonia,Nitrite,Nitrate,Ph,Calcium,Phosphate, and Alch. "these are ones i use"
Powerhead 10x turnover rate so around 200GPH " I would use 2 smaller powerheads instead of 1 large one"
to many options on filtration to list
All depends on your preference all tho a skimmer is something you really should consider, most type filers can also be added into your water turnover rate.
Skimmers should not be considered turnover.


Active Member
50/50 lights
10lb lr
3inch sand bed
4 scarlet 1 blue hermit crab
2 turbos...although u cant get them at the moment anymore
4 nasserous snails...spellings wrong
coral banded shrimp ( king of kings ) in the tank


Here is my tank, 24 Aquapod.

12 Astraea Snails (More tolerant of heat)
2 Yellow Watchman Gobies (Not recommended unless mated pair)
1 Three Stripe Damsel (BAD IDEA)
1 Fiji Blue Devil Damsel (Pretty and not as mean as the other one)
1 Gigas Clam
1 Branching Hammer
1 Red/Green Candy Cane Coral
1 Lime Green Candy Cane (Branching)
1 Star Polyp Frag
1 Spiral Featherduster
2 Super Nassarius Snails
Modifications to tank:
Icreased lighting: 150w Sunpod MH fixture.
Increased flow: Replaced Stock pump with Rio 1200
Protien Skimmer: (Nano Size) Was more hassle than it was worth, junked.
Flow: Extra Rio 600 Between rocks blowing towards front glass.
Temp: Digital Thermometer with extra long probe cord. (if too short will read surface temp and give skewed reading.
Heater: Only added today because not having the lid on CHILLED that tank.
Chiller: (Broke after two months, have been fine with out it, tank runs at a max of 84, will probably be less with the hood gone now)
The other tank is a 6g nano.

Stock List:
1 Fire Shrimp
4 Astraea snails
1 Random hermit
3 Shroom Frags (1 large colony)
1 Hawaiian Feather Duster
3 Xenia Stalks
1 Super Nassarius
None yet, will soon replace basic flow pump for something stronger, it is VERY weak.
The shrooms love it in there and it makes a great habitat for the shrimp. the Xenia too. Sorry about the blinding whiteness of the rock in there, its new and hasnt grown algae yet!


Ok, i've gotten some great information from this and here is me plan. Since I just turned 15 I should be getting a good chunk of money to get started.
Fiji pink sand (20 lb)
Fluval 205 (up to 40 gal. 180gph)
Prizm deluxe protein skimmer (up to 100 gal.)
Maxi-jet 400 powerhead (two of them)
Visi-Therm stealth heater (100 watt)
Saltwater master test kit
50 gallon reef salt
24” SunPaq retrofit kit (1x 10000k, 1 actinic, total of 130 watt)
20 gallon canopy (for the retrofit)
20 lbs. Fiji premium live rock (for now and i will by another 10-20lb later after curing it)
what do you guys think?


Active Member
sounds good to me, I don't run a protein skimmer, so if you feel the need to save alot of money you dont HAVE to have one.


well the tank now is covered in brown it just the natural light or is it because I lack a protein skimmer now?


Active Member
I would greatly assume its natural light, I've never ran a protein skimmer and havent had any problems with algae (except when i first got it up and running of course)


well the tank it on the adjasent wall to the window i would think its natral light but i was just cheking o dont think i will get a protein skimmer mayeb later on


thats just the natural cycling process. it will go away. and I think you could spend your money on other things rather than a protein skimmer. IMO.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefboy12
well the tank now is covered in brown it just the natural light or is it because I lack a protein skimmer now?
that's because your tank is new. Don't worry it will go away. Have you decided on what corals you want... or fish?


i prob wont have many fish but I plan on having it heavly stocked with softies. Fiji leathers, toadstools, maybe a brain and a clam I havent really been thinking to much on it I still have to save a couple hundred for the supplies. my fish list is already set
1x snowflake eel (have had it for 4 months in the 20)
2x damsels (have had them for a year in the 20)
1x pink skunk clown or watchman goby (havnt decided yet)
I would love to have my 55 a reef but my mom made the point that in 3 1/2 years she wasnt going to take care fo it while i was at collage.
does anyone else know what type of soties are good starter corals and are pretty?