New Nano!


thanks... and ill def take you up on the trading no doubt..
the xenia died off when i accidently through the uncured live rock in.. i took it out cured then put back in... it all died off... and suprisingly where the xenia kept its foot its growing back. so we will se how that goes.
and i just picked up another coral... a little green shroooom. ihave the ric and the shroom at the bottom with there foot towards the inside of a astrea shell ... the powerhead off so that theyll plant there and then ill move them up more in my tank.


oh! and im setting up a 20 gal...
im gonna split these two clowns apart they keep fighting and im taking this huge rock anemone out and put it in the 20..


i just started up the 20 gallon tank. everything is runnig and the sand is still settling. but what can i use for a surface skimmer?
i dont want the protein skimmer cause ill be doing my weekly water changes. but i want the nasty bubblesand buildup off the surface? any ideas?
and im using the marineland 200gph hang on filter.. i have water first running through sponge then it flows into the mini fuge which i put live sand on the bottom with live rock rubble and chaeto ontop... and half of the chamber i dropped a bag of activated carbon for now and soon will put the chemi pure elite... so chemi pure elite and carbon and then other half chaeto... its a tight squeeze but do you all think its good idea for the meantime. eventually i will purchase the emperor which has two sides ( one t house mini fuge and other for filter media )



oh and the isolation in the bc14 lol.... the one in the breeder got to stressed by the other ive pulled him out of my back chambers 4 times already. so i put him in there to relieve some stres.. and the bigger one wil go in the 20


so i started up the 20 gal finally about two weeks ago... i put maybe 4lbs of live rock in the tank and the rest of the rock is pretty much base rock... i let the tank settle for 3 days then after it cleared and i put the heater and powerhead in... all levels were zero... i added the clown and damsel from the bc14 to the tank.... they have been in the tank for a week now with two times a day feedings.... and now after a week i test the params and everything is at zero?
cycle over?


Active Member
nope. test your levels daily.and why is the clown and damsel in there now? i wouldve given more time before anything. feeding the tank 2 times a day. i recomend 1 every other day. unless your trying to start a cycle. which is bad cause the fish are there. even though the clownfish are hardy fish i will put it back in the other tank. if your trying to start a cycle im sure other people will show you how to start it. mine i used establish cured LR if i remember right. dont know
well goodluck. maybe im wrong. hopefully someone else can help


well im figuring now all i need to do is strt up the bacteria and biological junk in the tank when the fish doodie and what not lol.... no die off is going to occur... so no curing of the rock... most of it is base... so... whatev illl give it a little longer... and the clown and damsel are doing perfect.


Fo sho....

Full tank shot.... new corals via nissan577!
-single head of candy cane coral( opened up finally after i moved the koralia nano i think it was getting to much flow
-green zoas--- three polyps in plastic cup tryin to see if i can get another frag of it
-torch coral

Finally caught a picture of the camel shrimp


Havent updated my thread in a while.. .so here it goes...
some pictures of the tank.. and recent changes i have added a 3 gallon jbj pico to the top shelf inside the stand and scraped off the spray paint for display.. whts going in there you ask?! a 3-4" zebra mantis shrimp. small for the largest species of mantis's but its the best i could do for now until i move out the rents house. theyll kill me if i get another tank.. this speices gets huge but over a few years so... i will be upgrading her environment when i can soon..
the pico is cycling and the LFS has the zebra mantis on hold for me.. for about a week.
