New Niger Trigger - is this normal?


I got my first trigger yesterday. :) He seemed to adjust to the new tank very well. He ate some live black worms about 3 minutes after I released him in the tank (after an hour of acclimating) and has been out in front or swimming around most of the time. This morning he ate some pellet food and again was out most of the day.
This evening he has been hiding a lot. I couldn't find him for a while but then he came out. I fed him a few more black worms and he ate a few but then lost interest Now he is hiding again.
I know triggers will post up in a cave but I thought they did that mostly at night. The other tankmates are a few damsels and a small spanish hogfish. Only one damsel showed aggression to the trigger but the damsel stopped after the trigger gave some back. I also mixed the rock up a bit to change territories.
I think what he is doing is normal but I just wanted to check. I'm not used to fish hiding so much during the daylight.


As bold as triggers are said to be, I had a juvenile niger as well and it did the same thing you spoke of. It came out to eat and otherwise kept to a small cave. After two months of not seeing it except to eat I finally brought it back to the LFS. I didnt pay money for a fish I would never see. Much happier with the flame angel I replaced it with.



Originally posted by Harlequin
As bold as triggers are said to be, I had a juvenile niger as well and it did the same thing you spoke of. It came out to eat and otherwise kept to a small cave. After two months of not seeing it except to eat I finally brought it back to the LFS. I didnt pay money for a fish I would never see. Much happier with the flame angel I replaced it with.

What else did you have in the tank with him?
I hope mine doesn't do that. :rolleyes:


I added my Niger about 2 weeks ago... He seems to be very active though. He's all over the tank. May be your feeding him to much and he's not having to hunt for food so there for he's content with hiding out. Mine seems to be active searching for food. What size tank is he in? Nigers can get very big and need lots of room from what I've read. 75 Gallon minimum.



Originally posted by Offshore80
I added my Niger about 2 weeks ago... He seems to be very active though. He's all over the tank. May be your feeding him to much and he's not having to hunt for food so there for he's content with hiding out. Mine seems to be active searching for food. What size tank is he in? Nigers can get very big and need lots of room from what I've read. 75 Gallon minimum.

I'll back down the feeding and see what happens. I don't usually feed that much but I wanted to be sure he was eating.
For now he is in my 54 gal but he'll go in a bigger tank once he gets bigger.


He was in a tank with a spotfin lion and 6 line wrasse and was there before these guys were added so there was never any aggression at between them. The flame is much more in the open.


Fish have personalities (at least I believe so). Some are shy, some are outgoing, and often most are scared and stressed. A fish hidding the first few days in a new tank is normal (except if someone is chasing him etc).
Give him some time.
As with all organisms apetite is a sign of good health. If he is eating he should start feeling comfortable in his new home....


Yeah just give him some time to get used to his new environment. My niger is always out in the front. Great personality. Give him some time and you should be very happy with your purchase.



Originally posted by Armageddon
Yeah just give him some time to get used to his new environment. My niger is always out in the front. Great personality. Give him some time and you should be very happy with your purchase.

Today he has been out all day. He even has been chasing the damsels around. :D
Thanks for the replies.


Active Member
If you're lucky..he will eat the damsels...
My Niger is always out doesnt pester any other fish either...



Originally posted by dreeves
Go to the disease forum...sounds like ich...

It's not fluffy like ich. He was dead this morning anyway. :(



Originally posted by Squidd
Aw Dude, Bummer...:(

Yeah, big bummer. He was very cool. Now I'm treating the entire tank since the other fish were showing signs of infection.


That sucks! If you dont have any inverts, put some Coppersafe in your tank. Also take your salinty level down to about 1.019. That'll take care of that Ich.



Originally posted by SaltFisher
That sucks! If you dont have any inverts, put some Coppersafe in your tank. Also take your salinty level down to about 1.019. That'll take care of that Ich.

That's exactly what I'm doing. I did have some inverts but I moved them to a different tank. This tank will now be fish only.
Once things clear up I'd like to try a trigger again.


Coppersafe is a great product. I have a Harlequn Tusk I bought about two days ago for $159 and all he does is hide. When the light go out, he comes out and swims, but the 6hrs that the light is on, he is mainly hiding. He'll come out from time to time and swim around and then back in hs hole. I was told that he's a wrasse and that's what they do until they gain confidence. We'll see. I'll be pissed if something happens to him.