New Nikon SLR D40XD Help...


Just upgarded from my Canon PowerShot 7 MP, to a Nikon SLR D40X...
Anyone in here have this model?? Any pointers you could give me??
I got it with the 15-55 and 55-200 lens....
I have been told SLR is the way to go on Photos....
So many settings...
Any Help greatly appriciated...
Thx in advance.


Being I manage a camera store and Nikon is my favorite product I hope I can help.
I take it they did not explain the program dial on top?'s a 18-55 lens, not 15-55. This is the lens you want to use in tank shots. Do you have the auxillary flash or just the built in?


Active Member
Watch yourself buying lens..MAKE sure they are for that camera. For some WEIRD reaon good old Nikon
(Canon guy here) Made the Body with no Focus drive screw. So any lens that uses that screw drive to focus will not work on your camera.


Hey Guys,
Sorry, 18-55 Correct... Yes, the 2 Lens kits I got are Nikon made... So they AutoFocus...
Came with Built in flash....
For now, I will be taking mostly shots of the tank. What are some basic settings that will optimize the camera?? the Flower for one?? Im a total newbie to SLR....


Active Member
Just cause they say Nikon doesnt mean they are going to work..Thats what I am trying to tell you. You gotta make sure even the Nikon lens that you might look at wanting to buy doesnt have the screw drive AF..Its not just 3rd parties that might not work. Some nikon lens will not work. Such as the Nikon 50mm 1.8. The faster you stop using those preset modes and get into the creative modes Tv, M, will learn ALOT more


Get the 17-55 2.8, and the 70-200vr 2.8, then get the 50 1.4
Also crank your iso up to about 500. Set the apeture to the lowest number and blast away.
Just put it to A and crank it as low as it will go.


Originally Posted by 05xrunner
Just cause they say Nikon doesnt mean they are going to work..Thats what I am trying to tell you. You gotta make sure even the Nikon lens that you might look at wanting to buy doesnt have the screw drive AF..Its not just 3rd parties that might not work. Some nikon lens will not work. Such as the Nikon 50mm 1.8. The faster you stop using those preset modes and get into the creative modes Tv, M, will learn ALOT more
Spoken like a true CANON guy. Get off his back man, he has the right lenses.
What 05xrunner is trying to say in his own well meaning but inept way (screw drive, give me a break man) is the D40 only works with Nikon DX lenses, which the 18-55 and 55-200 lenses are! also the MODES you are trying to talk about are not creative modes, they are manual modes and different on nikon. CANON is tv, which is shutter speed, nikon it is simply S.
Also, you DO NOT need expensive 2.8 lenses to do this. case your planning on getting on MY case, I am a professional photographer of nature and wildlife for 16 years, graduate of the New York Institute of Photography, manager of a camera store for 10 years, and Nikon school trained. Any more questions????? the business at hand, to start out with, put your 18-55 on 55, put the control dial on the flower, which is macro. Now get up on the glass of your tank and push the shutter release half way down to activate the autofocus and see iff your focus point, (little box in the viewfinder) lights up and beeps, indicating you have your focus. If you are too close and can't get the camera to focus, back away a little at a time untill the camera does focus. This is if your want a tight shot on a small object (fish or single coral) If you want a wider shot, crank the zoom back to 18 and repeat the steps. P.S. remember if you are using flash to shoot at a slight angle to avoid flash reflection in the glass.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCBruce
Spoken like a true CANON guy. Get off his back man, he has the right lenses.
What 05xrunner is trying to say in his own well meaning but inept way (screw drive, give me a break man) is the D40 only works with Nikon DX lenses, which the 18-55 and 55-200 lenses are! also the MODES you are trying to talk about are not creative modes, they are manual modes and different on nikon. CANON is tv, which is shutter speed, nikon it is simply S.
Also, you DO NOT need expensive 2.8 lenses to do this. case your planning on getting on MY case, I am a professional photographer of nature and wildlife for 16 years, graduate of the New York Institute of Photography, manager of a camera store for 10 years, and Nikon school trained. Any more questions????? the business at hand, to start out with, put your 18-55 on 55, put the control dial on the flower, which is macro. Now get up on the glass of your tank and push the shutter release half way down to activate the autofocus and see iff your focus point, (little box in the viewfinder) lights up and beeps, indicating you have your focus. If you are too close and can't get the camera to focus, back away a little at a time untill the camera does focus. This is if your want a tight shot on a small object (fish or single coral) If you want a wider shot, crank the zoom back to 18 and repeat the steps. P.S. remember if you are using flash to shoot at a slight angle to avoid flash reflection in the glass.
LOL wow do you even know what your talking about. Who said ANYTHING about expensive lens. The 50mm 1.8 is like 80bucks. Once again have you EVER looked at a Nikon D50 and up..there is a SCREW that drives the focus on lens that do not have Silent wave motor. Man you came off sounding good. I was pointing to him to MAKE sure any lens he looks at DOWN the road that they will be compatible with his body

Go back and read..Oh and I DONT care what you have done. By flat out talking about expensive lens and seem to say something about no screw drive makes me wonder.


just a quick clarifacation.
The only difference between canon and nikon is the photographer. No camera can compose or tell you how the picture should look. That is all left up to the person behind the camera.
When someone asks me what kink of cameras i shoot. I just say "the black ones".
But seems to be when shooting a fish tank inside a house, the lighting is not the brightest. So I would reccomend a slighly higher iso, and a fast lens (1.4 - 2.8) this just allows you to achieve a faster shutter speed. Which elimates camera shake, or fish movement.
For ametures I would also reccomend photoshop elements, or for someone more into it, photoshop CS3. They are just some neat programs that can make your pictures "pop". But they can't fix a bad picture.
Also another tip, try to make your fish have a cool background.
Just fyi, this was shot with a nikon d200 70-200 2.8vr, no flash, but I could have shot the same photo with a canon. I call it " a hungry emerald crab"

Not the best, but it is the first time I have tried fish photography. But I think I am going to lke it.


Both lens's are fine... They are for my camera... And thanks for your help Bruce, and others...
Do they make an AC Adapter for this camera? Doesnt make sense to upolad pics of the Battery??


Originally Posted by 05xrunner
LOL wow do you even know what your talking about. Who said ANYTHING about expensive lens. The 50mm 1.8 is like 80bucks. Once again have you EVER looked at a Nikon D50 and up..there is a SCREW that drives the focus on lens that do not have Silent wave motor. Man you came off sounding good. I was pointing to him to MAKE sure any lens he looks at DOWN the road that they will be compatible with his body

Go back and read..Oh and I DONT care what you have done. By flat out talking about expensive lens and seem to say something about no screw drive makes me wonder.
OK SFB............runner..........You are about the most ignorant camera person I have ever had to deal with, including the one's in my store. If you look at the post AFTER yours you will see someone advising the 2.8 lenses. There is NO such thing refered to as a "screw drive" dummy! It's either internal focus or motor drive. Man, you come off sounding ignorant and stay that way!
Darth........get a card reader for downloading your pics. They only cost $20 and instead of having to hook up wires to download, you just insert your memory card and it downloads up to 3 times faster and no running down of camera batts.


Active Member
Thanks for the laugh. I had no idea that there was so much competition between camera brands.
ps... Fords are better then Chevy's


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCBruce
OK SFB............runner..........You are about the most ignorant camera person I have ever had to deal with, including the one's in my store. If you look at the post AFTER yours you will see someone advising the 2.8 lenses. There is NO such thing refered to as a "screw drive" dummy! It's either internal focus or motor drive. Man, you come off sounding ignorant and stay that way!
LOL...Call it what you want. its the SAME thing. Once again I guess you have to just make sure you get the last word and miss the fact I was just pointing out to him to make sure when he looks to get more lens down the road they are compatible.

Other nikon Mounts

screw drive, internal focus drive SAME thing..looks like a screw to me that drives the focus motor in a lens.
Once again go ahead and make sure you give ALL the great help you can by just not reading and telling how many years you been shooting.


Originally Posted by 05xrunner
LOL...Call it what you want. its the SAME thing. Once again I guess you have to just make sure you get the last word and miss the fact I was just pointing out to him to make sure when he looks to get more lens down the road they are compatible.

Other nikon Mounts

screw drive, internal focus drive SAME thing..looks like a screw to me that drives the focus motor in a lens.
Once again go ahead and make sure you give ALL the great help you can by just not reading and telling how many years you been shooting.
Making up names for parts, aren't you just too cool kid. Downloading pics of the net to try to prove your made up name is the same thing as the real name. Sorry, I thought I was having an intelligent conversation with an adult. I forget imature children get on here.
Sorry Darth. I'll stay off your thread. I can't deal with children imatating adults. Maybe the canon kid can help.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCBruce
Making up names for parts, aren't you just too cool kid. Downloading pics of the net to try to prove your made up name is the same thing as the real name. Sorry, I thought I was having an intelligent conversation with an adult. I forget imature children get on here.
Sorry Darth. I'll stay off your thread. I can't deal with children imatating adults. Maybe the canon kid can help.
Why dont you just give it a REST and stop trying to be the MR KNOW IT ALL. No one really said anything till you stepped in and started flappin your lips. You win you know all the King of photography all bow down