I got my first fish yesterday...2 Ocellaris Clowns! Very pretty! They're in my quarantine tank now and I'm wondering what you folks feed yours and how often? My LFS suggested some flake food for now.
Clowns will eat anything that you put in the tank pretty much, flake, brine, mysid, other chopped seafoods.... Feed them 2 or three times a day, but dont over feed, can lead to algae porblems.
Sea Goblin
Mine eat everything I put in the tank. They did not eat for the first 24 hours though. But now Marine cuisine, flake and Emerald Entre is what I feed so far. YUMMY!
Thanks for the info. I got mine on Friday and have Omega One flakes. I tried to feed 'em Saturday and they wouldn't eat. Probably stressed. They have started eating today.
cool i just got a pair of false percs as well... i was at a ***** and they were selling for 8.49 each so i couldn't pass the deal since they're tank raised and my LFS was selling them for 21.99 each