New octopus!!


Active Member
Wow i just bought this cool little guy! He is golfball size and so fun! Im gonna take him out with my hand and show my mom in the morning! i hope octopus dont bite.....:D

BTW if you remember a thread of mine from a while back....well yeah;)


I hope this is a joke, Blue ring ocopies are extremely poisnouse and their bite can put you in the hospital or worse.


Active Member
or ink ;)
He is cool....can they crawl out of the tank. They seem like little houdini's.
Hopefully your Mom will take it well :D
post more pics when you can.
yikes......I just saw the post above me....


Active Member
no their bite can actually pack enough toxins to kill 26 full grown adults in 5 minutes. The only way to save the life is to constantly administer artificial respiration or CPR for 72 hours when the poison wears off. If you are die.


Active Member
BTW this was a joke...i was trying to use it as an update to what had happened at my LFS about 2 months ago when i found them selling these to people without stating that they were the most poisonous animal in the world....anyways....the news station called back and told me that they couldnt just do a story about one had to be an ongoing "cover up' kind of deal :(


Active Member
oh good. whew...BTW , I know nothing about Octos obviously..
they are cool though. Just not that one.:eek:


ok you scared me for a second there, though my first reaction was that this is a joke, cause its comming from aarone.


Active Member
For a minute there I thought his fever came back with a vengence.:D
You must be feeling better. ;)
That is one sick LFS. To even accept delivery on something like that. I am surprised he is still alive to tell the story.


Active Member
gollus, Do i joke around that much??:D
Here is the story....I walk into my LFS and see him acclimating the bags with the octis in them...I say "wow, what kind are those?" (lfs idiot) "just regular old octis" we talk for a few minutes about my setup and different things..."hey you seem pretty cool so im gonna tell you somethin, these are actually blue ringed octopus" "WHOA ARENT THOSE POISONOUS" he goes into some long speech about only when they are in their natural habitat, because a ceratin food makes them poisonous....that is like saying that snakes are poisonous because they eat rats!
I tried to get my LTS (locals tv station:D ) to investigative report this luck...oh well I hope no one died.:(
lovethesea...i do feel alot better. My temp went all the way down from 101.6 to 98.3 this morning. I still have a sore throat and headache, but I made it through a day of work fairly well. :)


Next time anyone sees a blue ring or a stone fish in there local lfs that is in public view, immediatly contact your states game warden and the fish and wildlife services (if you can, provide pictures). They must get permits to hold such animals, those permits can only be obtained by zoo's and aquariums. In the state of good ole Texas, the store will get slapped with a $10,000.00 fine everyday the animal is in the store without such permits. Nexttime, let the ignorance of the lfs pay.


This is in no way intended to be a Flame!!!
Also, food does play a very important part in the toxicity of certain animals
. For instance, South American dart frogs, (the cool frogs that are yellow,blue, red, purple, green/black) are lethal to the touch in there native habitat. After living in captivity and feeding off of the makeshift diet of fruitflys, they do lose their venom.
This is by no way saying that what the lfs idiot told you was correct. I know this. This info was provided so if you ever came across another animal that interested you or for anyone, they will do the appropiate research necessary.


in all due respect most animals that lose toxicity are typically POISONOUS like the dart frogs. VENOMOUS animals will nto lose toxicity. i am pretty sure than venomous (like the blue ring)
will never lose toxicity.



Originally posted by a_fender69
This is by no way saying that what the lfs idiot told you was correct. I know this. This info was provided so if you ever came across another animal that interested you or for anyone, they will do the appropiate research necessary.

Again, I know that Blue rings do not lose their venom. The post was directed for people to research animals prior to purchasing.


Jeez aarone I read your post and thought oh cool an octopus then saw the pic and my heart just dropped. Scared me for a second.
It's too bad nothing was done to make the dangers of this creature public.


My LFS has 2 stonefish in right now. I asked them if they were poisenous, and they said "Maybe just a little. Not to bad.":eek:


Active Member
hey I also just bought these cool guys called cone shells or something like and my friends are going to pet them after school!!!
A fender...thanx for the tip about the game warden...i would love to see that place go down....just so they would have a huge liquidation sale!!!:D


Active Member
I actually posted a video of a cone shell consuming a neon goby awhile back...IT WAS WICKED!:eek: it just sucked it up with its little

....i would hate to get that thing stuck in my finger (even though i would die)


Blue Ring octos are very poisonous, but it is very rare that you would die from them. If you are bit (their bite can go through a wet suit) you just need to keep the airway open. The have a neuro toxin that could eventually paralize you, including your respiratory muscles, but a human can metabolize it so fast it almost never results in total paralysis. But, your body would react to the toxin by swelling your throat first. Even off the Great Barrier Reef, their native habitat, very few people ever die.
So, my point is that blue rings, just like stonefish or venemous snakes, can be kept with almost no risk to the owner as long as they are careful. But, we all know how stupid some people can be :rolleyes: You are all now informed :D