
WEll only had them one day.. the price is extremly cheap, and for that price as long as the bulbs light up its worth it I guess. Also, I had a couple things broke when it came nothing major but now it looks like the ---- seller wont email me back.


hey dress do you have pics of your corals.. what size tank again 90 i believe? Im wondering what I can put in with the lights here.. what types corals....


got a 20G and 2 55's. I just moved so I had to take down 55's. They are currently in cycle. The 20 I was able to carry over after removing half the water. You can get alot of different corals in there. Just place the high required ones near the top. The corals I did have in there where doing good. I never had a clam though. I think it would be fine placed near the top. In my 20 right now I also you a jebo but 24" model(65x2). It's Identical to my 48" models. The coral in there are doing really good, all have grown twice the orginal size in about 6 months. Coral in there are:
assorted zoos
Red shrooms
Huge Finger leather(literally tall as the tank and 1/3 the width. time to frag).
Toadstool leather.


Hey thanks for all of your help. I just got these lights and have never ventured into the corals.. I really want to get into it, just want to start with hardy ones then move on up. So you suggest the ones you listed?


ya, these are all really easy to care for. Just make sure your tank gets good and stable first. You don't even need to feed them(the lights do). I'm not saying additives wont help , but they are not a necessity. About once a month all I do is dose with some type of vitamin or phyto. Just make sure you maintain a constant lighting schedule. I think my timer is from 7:30a-11:30a and then 5:30p-10p. If you get everything right, the gsp and xenia will grow like grass, something you might or might not want.