new on the forum and question


New Member
hello there im new at the forum, and i hope some of you will answer me a question
well i want to buy some fish, but i want fish that like to be in groups, that do the best with partners, that swim together, ect. i was wondering if i could know some good fish to get for that
which ones or what type if i may know
thanks to anyone who helps

scopus tang

Active Member
First, welcome to the boards!
The answer to your question is obviously going to vary depending on tank size, so if you could give us more info on your tank and set-up that would help us in answering your questions.
I personally don't know a lot about fish, as I don't run a lot of them, but have successfully kept green chromis (damsels) in groups. I believe they are one of the only damsels that can be kept this way in smaller aquariums.


New Member
well its just a 30 gallon with live rock not so big, but im on the process of making another 30 gallon and a 50 gallon because one of them is for my baby one for me and one for the family:) so any suggestions will be greatly appreciated thank you


In a 30 you could do from 3-5 blue green chromis. These are good for schooling. If you want a pair of clowns, they swim together sometimes. Or you could also do a pair of firefish gobies. Obviously you cant put all of these together, you have a limit of 4-5 fish in a 30 gallon.


Active Member
Welcome to the boards.
In a smaller tank (hehe, we're talking about ocean fish so most tanks qualify as "smaller") it is difficult to get schooling behavior.
Also, in a marine tank you can't crowd a lot of fish in anyway, so...
For a 30 gallon, I would suggest going for a pair of the calmer species of Clownfish (like the Percs or Occ.), with maybe a small Goby and a small hawkfish species.
Check the Nano section of the forums for more suggestions and stocking ideas with pics.
I would avoid Chromis. They are very aggressive towards one another. In a small tank with limited food they will kill each other.


Originally Posted by azul1994
In a 30 you could do from 3-5 blue green chromis. These are good for schooling. If you want a pair of clowns, they swim together sometimes. Or you could also do a pair of firefish gobies. Obviously you cant put all of these together, you have a limit of 4-5 fish in a 30 gallon.
I had a pair of firefish gobies.
They swam together fine for a few months. They were buddies.
About the last month or so the larger one would chase the smaller one around to the point that the smaller one wouldnt come out from behind the rocks, and wouldnt even eat. It was all skinny, and starting to look like death.
I had to catch it the other day and put in my brothers tank. Its fine now, and never hides in his tank.
They were my favorite fish, too.