New owner, Damsel problem


New Member
I'm still in the process of letting the tank cycle, but upon the advice of my guy at the fish store I got 3 Damsels to let run around while this takes place. I picked up 2 Blue Fin and 1 Yellow Tail. The only things I can test for in house right now are PH(8.2 when I checked today) and ALK(Guessing around a 2.0 since it was in the middle of the "good range which is listed as 1.7 to 2.8 on my tester sheet) since he told me to hold off on the other tests kits until the tank cycles since the chemicals are time sensitive. But I have been taking the water out once a week to get checked and see how progress is going. I'm leaving all calls on what goes in and when right now in his hands since I am still on the learning curve and would rather have guidance from someone who has been doing this for a while. That being said.....
My Yellow Tail over the last couple of days has gotten something to him. His lips and mouth area are all white and puffy. He's been fine even still, but tonight he didn't seem to want to eat. He's not lethargic or anything, but he has been a little more stationary than ususal over the past 24 hours. Any clue what this might be and how I can get rid of it?? TIA for all help.


New Member
After reading some other posts, Iguess I need to add a little more tank info possibly. Tank is a 90gal. I am running a Fluval 404 and Emperor 400 for filtration, running Chemipure in both. I have a Turbo Twist 18 watt UV Sterilizer(currently turned off due to cycling, LFS guy told me it would delay the process). I am picking up the lighting and skimmer on Friday. Right now I'm just using the flourescent light that came with the tank kit. My Yellow Tail croaked last night but I would still like to know what I stumbled across and what likely caused the problem.


A similar thing happened to my friend's 3-stripe damsel. It got scratches and brown blotches on its side, stopped moving and eating, and eventually, died, but the other two of his damsels are all right...