New Parameters


day 5
Ammon .25
Nirtrites 0
ph 8.3
nitrates 10
temp 79.5
ammon and Nitrites going down on day 5 is this to early?
Can I expect them to go back up?


They are not likely to go back up - unless you introduce some new decaying matter - the bacteria will find a balance for the level of nutrients in the tank (up to a certain degree) depending on your filtration and turnover rates. This, of course, assumes that you do not put more biolaod in the system than it is capable of handling.


Originally Posted by gbfan41649
will take some pics shortly
LR has no signs of growth, but was called liv lava base rock does that make since
Base rock is what you would build the base of your reef out of and it would then be covered with show pieces of live rock. If that lava rock was in a functioning system for a period of time it could be called "live" because it is inhabited by the micro-organisms, copepods, amphipods and the like - it does not mean it has any coraline growth on it.


GB, did your ammonia levels ever go up to 1? I'm just wondering because I am on day 9 and my levels are the same as yours, and have been the same for the past 3 days, except my ammonia has only gone up to .5 I am curious as to whether or not my tank has even started to cycle. From what I am reading on the threads your ammonia level is suppose to spike and can go up to 1 and then come back down (unless it is just a small cycle) Also you can use a piece of raw shrimp in the tank to begin the cycle....your ammonia level will go up then you remove the shrimp and the cycle is suppose to begin. When all levels go back down to 0 then it is safe to add a clean up crew etc. Am I understanding this right you guys? I had my tank set up for 5 years and it did great, but when I moved I let it go so I have just set it back up. I'm needing some refresher tips on the cycling process too because it has been so long since I've had to do this. Great threads here and ALOT for me to learn all over again!


the highest my ammon went was .5-.75
then I took out shrimp
ammon now @ .5
nitrites was .5
now 0
nitrates was 0
now 10
did I, cycle ?
am I cycling?
did I stop the cycle because I removed shrimp?


Active Member
Your cycle will last longer. When ammonia and nitrite are at zero ghost feed the tank for a week but only feed it as if you have one or two small fish and continue to check ammonia and nitrite. When they are always at zero you are done cycling and should perform a larger 15-20% water change. You can then add your clean up crew. I wouldn't bother testing for nitrate until this time.