New Photos, Please, your comments!

aqua blue

Great looking tanks!!
Thanks for letting us enjoy them too.
It gives me something to dream about.


Beautiful tanks!! Thanks for sharing.......your pix are exceptionally clear. The shots I've tried to take usually come out blurred because of the fish moving......what type of camera and settings are you using?


very nice, a good way to start the day. stare at mine til work and then stare at ll your beautiful tanks at work.


Active Member
Real nice Musipilot
That starfish pic cracked me up too !
I gotta get me some cleaner shrimp one of these days !
Thanks for the look !


I like the layout of your page and your applet. I would like to do something like that on my page. Your tank looks great and you should be proud of them.


gresat pics nice fish bad background ur tank looks way to good to have that kind of backing i think it would look good with no back or a reef or just a blue but get rid of the atlantis


very nice pics,everything is so clean..did I miss some info on the tank,size,filters ,skimmers,how long its been the way you setup the rock..great job


Thanks for all the great comments and replies...I'll try to answer the questions that were raised:
The camera is an Olympus D490-Z, set at the medium quality. To get photos of the tanks I've learned NOT to use the flash, I use the macro setting and shoot from the LCD screen. For every good photo you see, there were 10 that were no good. The fish won't stand still!
The program used to make the webpage is super, and easy to use. Its called digital slide show...and its a free download, just do a search on any search engine for the program name.
The reef tank is a 92 gallon corner, the fish only is a 180 rectangular. I don't use any skimmers at all...the tanks are both running Ecosystem filtration, which specifically suggests NOT running protein skimmers.
About the rock arrangement, thank my wife Jenny, her eye did that, I would have stacked it symetrically and boring, "cause I'm a guy" according to her :)
Thanks again everyone, appreciate your time in writing.