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We've been warned about the damsels being pesty when adding new fish. Maybe a lionfish is in order instead :thinking: . Should take care of my damsel problem. I wouldn't do htat because a 29 is not big enough anyway. I'll have to figure out what I want to do with the damsels. I have no plans to put any new fish in there any time soon, though. I want to get the reef all set up with a few more corals first.
As far as lighting, I have a Satellite PC setup with dual actinics, dual 10K daytime lights and a moonlight. I know it is not enough for some corals and other creatures, but it will be enough for the reef I am looking for for the time being.
Thanks again for the comments!
One thing I am having issues with is my wife right now...she doesn't like where the anenome has placed itself and moved it back to the rocks yesterday (she is not the researcher, I am, so I know a little more than she does!).
I'm trying to convince her that the little guy is going to go wherever it wants to and that they prefer the sand over the rocks. He started looking a little sick yesterday after the continued stress she puts on him in moving him, so I was worried. Today, though, he's not dug into the sand yet, but attached to the bottom of a rock as sand level. Hopefully she'll leave these type of things to me from now on so she doesn't end up killing an expensive creature on me!
yeah thats it add a lionfish, lol if you wanna destroy the damsels perfect solution and maybe the clowns depending on size.....but either way its cheap entertainment damsels dont cost much