Unfortunately we have a LFS in town that is about to close his doors. I went by because a local club member said he had good healthy livestock and nice corals and good pricing. He was kinda skinny on his fish selection but did have some very nice corals. He had this 3g pico setup on his counter by the register... I was asking him if he was going to try to continue from home and he said he couldn't. SO I asked if he was going to at least take home the pico. He said he wasn't but was taking a 55 and some select coral and he was going to sell everythign else.
He said " If someone was to give me $110 i'd let em take the whole thing just like it sits."
So... I now have a 3gallon pico with about 4lbs of LR a 1.5" bed of LS, some pink pallies, 3 different color zoas, some zenia, 3 snails, a six line wrasse along with a heater, the light (18w pc) and a hob filter with 4 extra filters.
Sorry for the small pictures, these are from the cell phone.
He said " If someone was to give me $110 i'd let em take the whole thing just like it sits."
So... I now have a 3gallon pico with about 4lbs of LR a 1.5" bed of LS, some pink pallies, 3 different color zoas, some zenia, 3 snails, a six line wrasse along with a heater, the light (18w pc) and a hob filter with 4 extra filters.
Sorry for the small pictures, these are from the cell phone.