new pics (12g aquapod)


Active Member
Originally Posted by emilytompkins
is that a carpet anemone behind the clown or is it a leather coral? please tell! i really wanted a carpet for my 24g but they are too big.
It is a toadstool leather. I too love carpets (had a wonderful blue carpet in an old tank), but I'd never put an anemone in a tank this small. Their tendancy to wander would be far too problematic, and it would just be a matter of time before it killed coral(s).


Active Member
Originally Posted by krishj39
Jacksonpt, I wanted to let you know that I've been considering getting an aquapod for a while but wasn't ever sure if I'd really be happy with it (it's hard to think about having a 12g when you used to have a much larger aquarium). After seeing your photos I immediately bought one online! I'm convinced it's possible to do some cool things with it, so thanks for pushing me over the edge!
Good, I'm glad. I've found that having a small tank is no different than having a large tank, your coral frags just have to be smaller. I have far more in this tank than I did in my old 44g tank, and I've invested half the money to get to this point. I love the smaller tanks.
That said, I do want to setup a 40g breeder.


Active Member
Thanks. I'm actually thinking about getting rid of it, or at least fragging off most of it. That and my leather need to go and be replaced by somethign with some more color.
My clown has never shown any interest in anything. I thought he might take to the hairy mushroom as it's very anemone-ish, but no. I don't much care one way or the other... I didn't get him with hopes that he would host.


how often did you add another coral? how many did you add at a time? your watermelon mushroom is awesome.


thanks for the log. how much did that Blastomussa cost you because I just went to my store and they had none that looked even near as good as yours and they were all 50 bucks...


Active Member
I got it from a local reefer for $15 or $20, don't remember exactly. With the exception of the colony of yellow zoos and the ric, all my corals came from local reefers, and nothing cost me more than $20.


Looking at your tank makes me angry.
I cant seem to find a lfs around my area who sells quality frags of corals. I keep looking at your sweet watermelon, blastomussa and ricordia and I just get angrier. All the ricordia around here looks like crap compared to that one. Not to mention there nowhere around the $20 range. Im definately jealous. excellent tank once again.


kiddie lala

Originally Posted by jacksonpt
The tank is just a little over 2 months old, so I took some new pics last night. It's hard shooting through the curved glass, so not all of them turned out. Here are some of the better ones.
Full Tank Shot


Watermellon Mushroom


Red Mushroom


Candy Cane


how much did you pay for the coral in the last pic?



Originally Posted by rad
thanks for the log. how much did that Blastomussa
cost you because I just went to my store and they had none that looked even near as good as yours and they were all 50 bucks...

Originally Posted by jacksonpt

I got it from a local reefer for $15 or $20, don't remember exactly. With the exception of the colony of yellow zoos and the ric, all my corals came from local reefers, and nothing cost me more than $20.
He answered that in his previous post. I almost didnt respond on account of your laziness. reading the threads wouldnt hurt.