New Pics, New Shark

tony detroit

Active Member
Here are some pics from cincyreefer's store, my old bamboo, my stingray and sharks.
thanks to Daniel 411 for helping me get the tub up and down the stairs and keeping me awake on the drive
thanks to Cincy for the finding and locating and good advice to everyone on the board
Novice-I took a buncha blacktip pics I'll email them to you if you want. Many are not the greatest. quality though.

tony detroit

Active Member
Bamboos new home for a couple weeks until it goes to the casino. Coupple of epaulettes and a ornate wobby in there.

tony detroit

Active Member
more feeding time pics in my tank
The live rock is coming out tonite and going in the reef upstairs. Probably going to leave in three or four pieces.


Active Member
LOL.... I wish I could get that good of pictures, maybe I'll actually have to read the manual for my camera. :nope:
I'll let you know when your bamboo gets to go to its new home, and hopefully get some pics up.
yeah, I've just never seen one that colorful before. That's an awesome fish. I'm half tempted to go out and get one now lol. I wonder if it'd be ok with my miniatus and gueen angel. I think you've gotten me hooked :silly:

tony detroit

Active Member
Miniatus, yes.
Queen angel, probably would be OK but no promises. It may nip.
You will need to get a larger tank in the future or get rid of it. You could probably keep a baby for 3 years or more.
Sounds like a plan. :happy: Too bad SWF doesn't carry Bamboo Sharks or I'd surely get one. Hell ya can't beat free shipping. Now only to find a place with good prices. Thanks


Actually, I believe that shark is a different variation than the brownbanded bamboo shark regularly shown on this board. I have two large bamboos and they are both still light and dark grey striped. Maybe i'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure I have seen both variations together in a tank here in Cincy.
Also, on a bad note, my largest bamboo may be at the end of his life. I went home at lunch today to feed them and he was very darkly colored, kind of splotchy, breathing strangely and showed absolutely no interest in food, even pushing it away. The other one is doing great, with a very healthy appetite. I recently lost an 18" moray that had stopped eating, I think due to the stress of the sharks bullying him at feeding time. He would eat maybe one piece of shrimp once or twice a month for the last few months. Last weekend, my smaller shark yanked him out from his hiding spot at feeding time. He layed coiled up in the corner all night and was dead the next morning. With the condition of my larger shark, i'm wondering if there is more to the story than I had originally thought. I'm going to do a major water change this evening although I changed about 30 gallons a few weeks ago. Has anyone ever experienced these symptoms with a full recovery? I know from experience that these signs almost always mean the end is near, but with hardy sharks, maybe it is something different.