New Pics, New Shark


150 Gal. wet-dry sump w/ predrilled pre-filter overflows with protein skimmer, Rio 1700 in tank for circulation. Tank has been set up for over 2 years. I've had shark since cycling. Never had any problems until now. I know everyone will say 150 too small, but it's not. He's grown very little in past 6 months and swims fine. Never stressed out. I am going to change water tonight and hopefully he will recover. I put in balance blocks as needed and some calcium as needed. I ran out of testing supplies recently but have lept up on water changes so i'm not sure if that is the problem. I also have a Blue Hippo Tang, Pajama Cardinal fish, and three decent sized damsels. None of these fish or my other shark are showng any ill signs. Maybe he's just going through something right now. I hope. Seeing that Hippos are pretty sensitive, it makes me think that it's something with him and not a water issue. Any thoughts? Tony, about you old shark, was he black and white as a juvenile or is he a different variation?

tony detroit

Active Member
Have you checked the shark externally for signs of infestations? (fins, claspers(if male), gills, mouth, eyes)
The hippo tang theory is probably correct. I am led to believe your sharks have a parasite. Bamboos are close to bulletproof.
what type of food are you feeding? temp, salinity? Try RO water with your next water change if you're not already using it. I use reef crystals salt. If you are using tapwater are you using dechlorinator?
My shark is an old brownbanded.


I feed strictly frozen squid. That is the only thing that they will eat. I haven't added any fish for a year or so. Is it possible for a parasite to appear from nowhere? I have swapped some rock with my nano reef so I guess that could be a possibility. Temp and salinity have remained constant through life of tank. I haven't noticed any infections but i will look. You know what? Last week when my eel died, the sharks were kind of attacking him and he bit the shark on the nose once or twice. It didn't seem very hard, but maybe enough to do damage. I have heard that eels can contain some bacteria in their teeth and maybe that is what happened. That would explain everything. I didn't think about this until right now. If so, are there any medications that could be used on sharks? Thanks for the input.
thats exactly what i was going to say tony.... if u are going to use medicine im sure u know this but dont use any medicines with copper.
i dont get it,u sound like u have the right setup cbshark, i mean with the skimmer,filters,pumps,etc.. the only thing im concerned about is the size of ur shark. how long was it? it could simply be the matter of being to large for the aquarium. Just like tony i recomend getting the book shaarks and rays, i have it and its a awsome book to have when housing sharks.
sry about ur loss.:nope:


Those white and black sand particles in the tub is actually the water. We placed it in a de-hydrator before shipping so the tub would weigh less. The black particles were a bit over cooked. I eat out alot... not that good in the kitchen:rolleyes:

tony detroit

Active Member
Alright, I'll try and upload them tomorrow. I deleted them off the hard drive to save space.
I've been reading your article from cichlid forum, do you know any good large tank building links? I'm pretty sure I'm going to do something like you did for purpose of possibly having removal someday. Humidity worries me too:notsure:


No I dry shipped it for a 5 hour ride. It promotes better oxygenation across the gill region.


Active Member
Tony I love it!!!! Your sharks look great. I can't wait to get a bigger tank. I want a sting ray, and a shark. I need ALOT more experience first. What all do you have in this tank. Remind me again how big is it.

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by Leopard_babe
Remind me again how big is it.

I get this all the time
It's BIG, remember size matters!:joy::

tony detroit

Active Member
How's the CC star?
tankmates are
cali ray
leopard shark
grey smoothound shark
niger trigger(not recommend to keep with stingrays but no problems as of yet)


Tony, I don't know many places to point you for what I did, other than my web page/article. I ran into the same problem when researching/designing my tank. Basically what I did, was compile alot of different info and techniques, and then did it my way.
Info I found useful included garf's site, deck/patio books, info on building/fiberglassing boats and what little info I could find on smaller tanks people had built of a similar design.
Email me for specifics... ie, links.