new pics of 125


New Member
:nervous: hmm. . . why is it that my computer isnt showing the images? Anyhoo. . . . im sure it's a nice picture. . .even if i can't see it. . . .ahem . . . .cheers!


New Member
hey nice lookdown i live in jax fl and caught about 10 the size of a quarter.but any ways i thought i might give a little advice you can hide your heater in your sump


yeah im doing that today...i had it in the tank before i had that sump so i just gotta move it, but im not sure if it will fit i gotta try and rig it up


All I can say is you have alooooooooot of work to do, and it will not be cheap, you need alot more live rock for that tank. Second, wheres the skimmer? Lookdowns need at least a 180. Clown triggers are sensitive time bombs, One moment=:) Next Second=


im getting a skimmer in a week or two..I have more rock to put in but i dont want that much rock because i like more room for the fish..Money isnt a problem at all, so im going to be getting a top of the line skimmer and some more rock, but i see that the more i research this lookdown the more i think i might have to get rid of it,,i admit i rushed into buying it because they are never available in NYC and it was a good price at $130 and i asked the people in the store and obviously they said it would be fine in a 125 and with the clown..but this store is only a SW fish store and nothing else so i thought they knew what they were talking about..But in ur opinion what should i do with these 2 fish? So far everythings ok but i dont wanna have these 2 fighting and picking on each other...the LD is much bigger than the Clown right now...thanks for looking out


$130 for a Lookdown is a good price? Glad I live on the coast. Beautiful fish by the way, didnt know they were that expensive, almost makes me want to get a permit and go collecting to sell them. really common trash fish around here, shrimpers pull them up by the dozens as by-catch.


Yeah maybe i will fish for some fish over hear in the bay in Brooklyn for some new additions to my tank. I dunno if a dead body or a 3 eyed fish will do well though.


I would trade the clown and get a more peaceful trigger and then you will have more wide-spread choises. Piccassos, pink-tails,nigers, and bt triggers are the best triggers if you want a wider choise of fish.


but i see pics all the time on htis site of people with clowns and other less aggressive fish in there tank..who just posted recent pics of there 100 something gallon tank with one? Thanks for your input though.:D


Active Member
I would get rid of the lookdown and keep the clown because the lookdown will eventually need a bigger tank anyway.


I agree, get rid of the LD, and keep the clown. LD's do better in pairs, and it is very obvious when you house two in a tank together. With mine, they are never 5" apart, always swimming and begging for food together. However, I have a 500 gallon that they will be going into soon.
Sorry for the sometimes hurts.