New pics of my 12g Nanocube


hey how long did ur frogspawn take to fully open because i got mine yesterday and its sorta opening but not all the way and i have it under my light to. I have an aquapod 12 gal


Active Member
same thing with mine... but im curious... are ur clowns hosting anythign yet? (i asked this last time up posted pictures)... cuz i just bought a new clown today and it hosted mine within like 15 minutes.


lol thats funny cause one of my clowns sniffed on it for like 2 min and at night it sleeps in there but urs wont also open all the way


Active Member
i cant believe urs wont host anything, thats crazy.... my first clown hosted my frogspawn (if uve read any of my threads u know what happened to all my fish... they're gone) and i just bought a new one and it hosted it too.... both within minutes... is ur tank done? or are u wanting to do anything else with it? I like how it looks now compared to before btw. i like how things are up against glass and stuff.. i never liked the 'mountain' look alot of tanks get


Active Member
Do you think it might be because i added the frogspawn after i added the clown? As of right now im pritty happy with my tank. I still go to the fish store about once a week to see if they have anything small i can add.


Active Member
i dont think thats the case, cuz i added mine after too. That thing is huge too.... maybe try the picture method... i was gonna do that if mine wouldn't host.


Active Member
I heard about that, how exactly does it work? And what would the clown do at night time when the frogspawn goes away?


Active Member
Im not sure how it works, i just heard it works.... mine was laying in the sand bed near the frogspawn last night


Active Member
i'd try frogspawn, but also be aware ur frogspawn will close up... mine is completely closed and my clown is still rubbing on it...


Active Member
here, i got a question for u, is a cleaner shrimp worth buying? i see u have one and was thinking of putting one in my tank but they are kinda expensive compared to other shrimps and kinda big too.


Active Member
Eh, it’s up to you. I think he's cool... if I put my hand in he jumps on and cleans inside my fingernails lol. He isn’t something you really need. He was a little expensive. Maybe get a sexy shrimp! I want one...they look awesome. -Lauren


Active Member
their is a bunch of sexy shrimp around here... i just dont liek them, the reason i like cleaner shrimp is becuz they like illuminate so well under moonlights.... i probably wont get any shrimp cuz right now im focusing on my rockwork and fish population.. which is 1 currently


Active Member
i have no idea at all, i dont like firefish and the thin gobies i dont liek either (neons and such) but im looking for a goby of somesort, they look cool... and im upgrading in the next fwe months anyway, im going to TRY to pair up a normal ocellaris clown with a black ocellaris clown too... but thats all i can think of now.. this lfs not really near me said they'd give me a great deal on anythign (and they alreadyt do give me deals) since i bought alot of stuff from them and then my fish died... so i'm just really waiting to get back down there.