New pics of my 12g Nanocube


Do you have to do water changes more often with a small tank? This may sound like a stupid question(I am just learning about SW tanks) but how would you change a salt water tank?


Active Member
yeah i do a 10%- 20% water change at least once a week. when i first started i did a water change every other day.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SHLovell16
Do you have to do water changes more often with a small tank? This may sound like a stupid question(I am just learning about SW tanks) but how would you change a salt water tank?
In my opinion it all depends.... like she said she does them every week or so, i have only done one water change in 4 months and my water quality is great, especially for a 10 gallon. Do a search on here for water changes, i dont want to explain :)


I have a question for the people who do water changes once a week?
Do you just take the water out then make the salinity fo the new water and add it? Someone told me with eveyr water change you should add a small amount of Stress Coat. I usually just make the salinity equal then pour it in. Also how much do you guys change? I do only like 10% sometimes a little more. I find when I do a water change, I ahve problems. My nitrites/trates get very screwed up!


Active Member
You shouldnt be getting nitrites if your tank is done with its cycle. And your nitrates should be going down, not up when you do a water change. Are you using RO/DI? Check your new water before you add it into your tank to make shure theres no nitrites/nitrates in it.


Can we get a complete list of what's in the tank?
I'd like to do a similar setup but with a 10g. I would reduce the coral amount though, since my tank isn't as big. Mine is 20"L x 10"W x 11.5"H. It's one of those cheap*** Walmart tanks that my inlaws bought for us. Think they sell if for around $35 for the whole kit.
I'd need new lighting I know, but I don't think I'd need a new filter.


Active Member
well my tank has a filter built into the back. Right now I only have 1 clown (1 of my clowns died the other night, i couldnt get him to eat), 1 sixline wrasse, 1 cleaner shrimp, 3 hermet crabs, 1 scarlet (hitchhiker), and 4 nass snails. As for coral, i have frogspawn, GSP, trumpet coral, some zoos, and a leather finger.


It's the one that came with the tank right? I doubt I can convince my wife to let me buy a tank when we already have one I'm working on. (at least right now... :jumping: )


But, I'd perfer to have everything ready to start cycling. I have to buy all the equipment before I even think of putting anything in the tank...


Active Member
lol be patient! I got a 12g tank with everything in it and i think I paid a little under $100...i guess thats not bad... if you have a pet club where you live then i suggest looking there for a tank. i find that they tend to be a lot cheaper when it comes to fish supplies than anywhare else... just dont buy any of their fish... they are cheap but they dont stay alive!! :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Italgal02
I have a question for the people who do water changes once a week?
Do you just take the water out then make the salinity fo the new water and add it? Someone told me with eveyr water change you should add a small amount of Stress Coat. I usually just make the salinity equal then pour it in. Also how much do you guys change? I do only like 10% sometimes a little more. I find when I do a water change, I ahve problems. My nitrites/trates get very screwed up!
Don't ever use stress coat. It is garbage and pollutes your water.


Originally Posted by Bonebrake
Don't ever use stress coat. It is garbage and pollutes your water.


Originally Posted by bigpete

What about the stuff that is suppose to take out chlorine and chloromine that has patent pending stress zymes already in it that protects fish scales and fins as well as fish stress? Discontinue using those products?


this is going to be a little bit of a dumb queston but did i read right your useing the light from a camera the flash one if you are thats cool how did you do that