New Pics of My 30gal Tank


Yeah it shoots water out the top but I really don't care because it still works correct just a little slower but yes seal it. Hope this is some help.


I think you missed my point. As far as I know, those PH are not designed to be fully submersed into the water, so I was asking if you had to seal them because there is a top cover on the PH (you can see the line where the bulk of the unit meets this thin cap) and there appears to be an opening where the electrical power cords enter the PH. The water line is below both of these so I was not too sure of fully submersing the PH and risk electrical shock.


Originally Posted by chamic1
I think you missed my point. As far as I know, those PH are not designed to be fully submersed into the water, so I was asking if you had to seal them because there is a top cover on the PH (you can see the line where the bulk of the unit meets this thin cap) and there appears to be an opening where the electrical power cords enter the PH. The water line is below both of these so I was not too sure of fully submersing the PH and risk electrical shock.
It hasn't shocked me or my fish and there is just some water flow through the hole when it was open. I did silicone the opening after I read it in another forum. Hope this has helped.


Active Member
Originally Posted by pco1988
It's a Gold Spotted Rabbitfish. He looks cool and he is full of personality.
He does look very cool!


A mimic tang gets about 7".
The rabbitfish I will probably be getting rid off him. If I do I will let everyone here to know. He will be about $50.


New Member
Originally Posted by NaNoTaNkEr
WHAT!? I can't have a 6 in. Regal Tang in a 38 gallon, but you can have a 7in. Mimic tang in a 30 gallon?



Originally Posted by NaNoTaNkEr
WHAT!? I can't have a 6 in. Regal Tang in a 38 gallon, but you can have a 7in. Mimic tang in a 30 gallon?
Lets see if you were reading this thread I have posted that he is still a Juv. and is going into my 120 gallon tank when he gets a little bigger so that the Sohal Tang doesn't pick on him. You're question before was "what is the maximum size of a Mimic Tang" (not the size he is now)!!!
1) Please READ the whole post
2) Ask your question
3) then READ the answer
4) also look at the pics for size (there are many here)
5) Okay, this way you won't get mixed up with anyone else
Please think about what you asked, the answer you get, and all the other information you have access too.


hey how big will your mimic tang get ive been trying to find him he is AWESOME prolly the coolest fish ive seen so far awesome rabbit fish i would love to have both i have a 35 gallon where did u get the tang too?? site or local store????


I got the Mimic Tang from the LFS down the road (they always have them in at about 1" to 2", and they are $18.99).
The rabbitfish came from the LFS that I work at called the House of Tropicals in Glen Burnie, MD. He was $30. Just about a month ago and I think we still have him is a Red Sea Rabbitfish and he is $49.98. They both are truly awesome fish.
For the 35 I think it is fine to have a tang in a small tank until they are about 3" to 5" at the max. But that is just me.


Haze123 where in Maryland do you live? Do you ever go to House of Tropicals in Glen Burnie right by BWI?


Here are some new pics I took under the atinics.

Thats it for now, hope you enjoy the new pics.


Active Member
very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very nice


Thats a NICE Tank!!!
What do u feed your fishies and how often???? That LMB is humungus!!! How long have you had him?


Originally Posted by keonia
Thats a NICE Tank!!!
What do u feed your fishies and how often???? That LMB is humungus!!! How long have you had him?
I feed my fish Omega One Marine fish Flake, Formula 2, Frozen Brine, and Cyclopeze. I have had the LMB for about a year. I bought him when he was about 1" and he got rid of all of my hair algea in the front of the tank and now he is getting rid of all the algea in the back which I can barely see back there so he can take his time.LOL