New pics of my 55gal


I decided to combine my 20gal and my 55gal and focus more on the 55gal. I just added all the stuff 2 days ago and everything is looking great. Tell me what you think. Any suggestions.....


Active Member
Nice looking for sure. Good idea on working on the 55. So you are up to 135lbs of LR now? Man, I think it is impossible to fill the tank up with this stuff............I smell a conspiracy. I think that LFS have an unwritten code that 5.326 ounces "equals" one pound of LR. The truth is out there.


Actually Ryebread, I could not fit all the rock in the main tank. I had to put some in the refugium and there are still a couple pieces in the 20. By the way I am using an Omlympus Camedia D-360L. I am having trouble taking pictures that are closeup without them being blurry. Any advice?


Active Member
Olympus 360 should have a 8" macro mode. Are you using the macro mode or are you just unhappy with it?


RyeBread, I am a little retarded when it comes to the technicalities of this camera. There is something that syas ESP or Spot, thenfor quality what should it be set at? I have it on HQ right now. THen what does ISO mean?
Thanks everyone for the compliments. I feel like the tank is really coming together now and I am happy :)


I'm sure Rye will have more to add, but here's what I know:
HQ = High Quality.
SQ = Standard Quality
SHQ = Super High Quality
In my experience with Olympus, there was no real advantage to SHQ over HQ, the file size is bigger and there is no real quality difference.
Your camera may not have all of the above, but HQ should work.
ESP and Spot are different types of "metering". Basically it is what the camera uses to determine exposure. The difference is "spot" usually just uses a spot at the center of the frame to determine exposure for the whole frame, and ESP is more of an average of the whole frame instead of just the center. There are times when each is advantageous, but ESP will probably suit you better.
You are looking for the "Macro" setting. Using this will allow you to focus on stuff that is like 10 - 15 inches away, but no further. (the Olympus website lists 10" as the minimum for the D380, the closest to your model). Macro mode on an Olympus is a flower icon.