New pics of my 55gal


The tank is about 15 months old, but I recently moved it about 3 weeks ago. I just added all the LR and transfered the corals from my 20gal to the 55gal. I finally got the water parameters where I want them. Now its just time to enjoy and let things grow :)


"Blondenaso1" Great looking tank man. Are those athenias I see in your tank? If so how hard are they to keep?


Active Member
Good job Blonde-
The ISO setting is just like film speed. You have a few to choose from. If you go with a low setting your grain and clarity will be good but, you need a lot of light. If you set it higher, you will not need as much light but, your grain and clarity will suffer a little bit.
I would recommend shooting at the highest quality setting because you can use the additional resolution to your advantage. If you want to crop a photo, additional resolution is needed for the part you are cropping out..............the same goes for many editing functions. You can always knock the file size down later if you need to but, you can't boost it up very well. Beautiful stuff.

tang luver

New Member
#16 Post: Oh my gosh, that Frogspwan (sp?) is beautiful!
#4 Post: What is that little pink fish with the yellow stripe? I really like it!