New pics of my 75

rabid frog

Active Member
here are just some random picture of my 75
this is a frag i got a while back

here it is today

here is my largest clam

my hand for a reference

zoanthid colony

rabid frog

Active Member
here is a picture of my hydnphora I messed with the image a bit to make it look like it does in the tank. I could not get the color to come out right with just the camera.

more Zoanthids


Active Member
That clam is great and I LOVE Zoanthids. What kind of light do you have to have for Zoanthids?

rabid frog

Active Member
thanks guys. I have had the clam for some time.
I was not covering anything up, I was just showing a size reference. Sometimes it can be hard to tell the actual size.
My lighting is 2- 250 mh's 10ks and 2 96 watt vho's. I think that it the wattage of the Vho's.
Thanks for the comments, love to share my tanks with you guys/gals

rabid frog

Active Member
Thanks Richarl5. I love the tank. I also have a aquapod set up, Ill try to get some picture of it on here tomorrow. I work nights..

I will also try and get a full tank shot, and show you the "Guts" of the system.


I nice tank. I have a question I also have 75 gallon tank and my question is what kind of light are you using? Where did you buy it? And how much did you buy if you don't mine telling. Sorry for asking the cost of the light because I have PC right now and learning how to do simple reef tank.
Thank You

rabid frog

Active Member
Np jay. I am running 2 250 watt mh's. and 2 super attinic bulbs from a pfo ballist. They are 96 watts I think...
The Mh set up cost me 1200, and the vho set cost about 150ish I think. Its been a while. The Mh set actually came with pc's for the attinic supplement but I did not like them so I replaced them with vho's.
I bouth the Mh's from a store in lubbock, Tx. I would have to do some digging around to find out the name of the people who made the lights.
I use 10k XM bulbs for the lights. They run about 100.00 a bulb. Not sure of the cost of the Vho bulbs, but not as high as the Mh's.
Hope that helps a bit.