NEW pics of my 75g Reef


Hey gang its been almost a month since i last posted pictures and wow i gotta say , my corals have been growing nicely! didnt notice it till earlier today actually but i noticed how my zoo's have filled in and my ric's are getting bigger! so i had to take pics! here are the links to all the pics theres a ton so its all nicely thumbnailed and resized for your viewing pleasure, in the first picture it got blocked by the watermark but right in the middle theres 2 tubes growing out of my sand, not sure what they are! and then on a piece of my LR (the purple one) theres tentacle looking things growing out of that also, so if anyone can ID that it would be awesome!

heart & sole

You tank looks great
... the only thing that i see that my be a problem in the future for you is having 3 clowns in the same tank.


Very nice tank. I like the black sand. Also those candy canes are a different color than you normally see.


Originally Posted by Heart & Sole
You tank looks great
... the only thing that i see that my be a problem in the future for you is having 3 clowns in the same tank.
i actually had 4 and they started picking on one so i moved him down into the fuge, these 3 have been fine so far since November, if they start picking on one ill just have to buy another tank to put them in :-D