new pics of my 90


Active Member
i was ready to quit back in the spring , but now that i have slowed down AGAIN this are looking good....bubble is new and so is the brain/moon with the hole in it



Active Member
the arrow is about the size of a baseball, i have way to many fish....purple tang, kole tang, 3 chromise, 1 firefish, 1 engineer goby, 1-bar gobie, 1-tricolor wrasse, cleaner wrasse, 2 nemo clowns, sally light foot, cleaner shrimp, arrowcrab, coral banded shrimp, flame angel,yellow shrimp gobie (the little ones)...i think that is it...way to many but everyone gets along....i also have 180pounds of live rock....forgot long nose butterfly


Active Member
that is going to be the best tank once you get all your corals in...
the rock work is awsome
for the rocks did you use some fors of glue or did they just fit like that because the shape looks delicate


Active Member
i just fit them no glue, i have only had one fall....i also bought some dead rock and within 6 months was alive with stuff ...


dude awesome tank i think u have THE COOLEST rock work ive ever seen no joke awesome tank i love kole tangs cause my name is cole lol and they are sweet looking like me haha jp jp but sweet tank what is the lighting in that beast


Active Member
Wow...I can't wait until my tank looks as established as yours. Mine's still a work in progress (probably always will be).
Lisa :happyfish


I love my arrow crab. He is big, animated, and a GREAT cleaner. I recomend one to anybody. He also lets me hand feed him :jumping:


Active Member
First off Great looking tank...
Just wondering about the brain/moon coral.. Is the hole getting bigger or will it heal itself?
Never seen it before.. Looks really cool...


Active Member
i think its getting better, i have another that most of the top was gone now its full...hoping for the same thing