New Pics Of My Tank


Originally Posted by S_Holman33
Then why do you still do it?? Why do you know that the fish is too big for your tank and still put it in there? I don't get it.
umm to me those tangs look about 3 inches, if that, they are definitely not too big for a 90 gallon. the issue with it is that these fish are big swimmers, and they spend all day in the ocean swimming, but your typical tang (not sure about the angels) have spent their whole life in small fish tanks waiting to be sold. when they get too big they get taken out, if his angel and tangs were 8 inches each then i'd speak up, but he knows one day they will get that large, just dont remind him


Active Member
Originally Posted by AAnthony
umm to me those tangs look about 3 inches, if that, they are definitely not too big for a 90 gallon. the issue with it is that these fish are big swimmers, and they spend all day in the ocean swimming, but your typical tang (not sure about the angels) have spent their whole life in small fish tanks waiting to be sold. when they get too big they get taken out, if his angel and tangs were 8 inches each then i'd speak up, but he knows one day they will get that large, just dont remind him
Aanthony, to the best of my knowledge no Tangs are commercially farmed as of yet. All are wild caught that I know of.


no i know, but when i bought my hippo tang he was absolutely tiny, around the size of an inch, so these fish are collected at a young age, and put into tanks, my hippo tang for example could be classified as a tank raised tank, because at a very young age it was put into a 20 gallon tank at the lfs, and is now living in my 90.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AAnthony
no i know, but when i bought my hippo tang he was absolutely tiny, around the size of an inch, so these fish are collected at a young age, and put into tanks, my hippo tang for example could be classified as a tank raised tank, because at a very young age it was put into a 20 gallon tank at the lfs, and is now living in my 90.
It's usually recommended to NOT buy a Hippo Tang under 3", for the simple fact the very young tangs do not do well with the collection process. If you see a 3" Hippo Tang or larger you can rest assured they have not been in captivity since they were an inch long, as these fish sell very fast. The only tank raised fish that I know of are the clowns and Bangaii Cardinals, the others are right out of the ocean.
BTW Tuccio, your tank looks great!


Originally Posted by sfoister
I've seen blue tangs in 24 gallon pods. Because they start VERY SMALL. There is nothing wrong with moving the fish to a bigger tank once they outgrow it as long as you're willing to put in the work to get them back out.
Undue stress on the fish, blah blah.. yah.. we all understand that so save it. It's the risk that people are willing to take.
The tank is amazing, and that angel will eat everything in it, good luck catching him. :)
im in the process of catching him, but thanks for your concern...


Originally Posted by sfoister
I've seen blue tangs in 24 gallon pods. Because they start VERY SMALL. There is nothing wrong with moving the fish to a bigger tank once they outgrow it as long as you're willing to put in the work to get them back out.
Undue stress on the fish, blah blah.. yah.. we all understand that so save it. It's the risk that people are willing to take.
The tank is amazing, and that angel will eat everything in it, good luck catching him. :)
The angel is no longer in the tank... he was starting to nip at some of the coral but really didnt do any damage.


Active Member
awesome tank, looks incredible, and also, may we please not argue on this guys thread about " what size tank a tang should be in" he did not start a thread about his tank only to have other members of the boards argue about something that has been debated 100 times over. if u want to talk about that, then start a thread up on the fish dicussion section. sorry for my spill as it seems as if i posted a post not about the beauty of ur tank but it had to be said to end the arguing.
again, awesome tank, love the rockwork with all the branching rock and your reef is really starting to take root. keep up the work and we want more pics!


Sk8r over on -- had this explanation for why Tangs/Angels/Triggers don't belong in small tanks, and I think it's very interesting, not to mention valid:
"Part of it is oxygen demand. Tangs put on huge bursts of speed, swim straight up, straight down, straight ahead, for hundreds of yards in the wild, ramming enormous quantities of water through their gills. Big angels use a lot of oxygen. Ditto triggers.
When somebody with multiple fish posts, saying something like, My tang and my angel died, but there's no ich, and nothing's wrong with anybody else in my tank....I can make a good first guess that the culprit is lack of oxygen. The first to die will always be the tangs, angels next, etc, and gobies last. It's a sad arithmetic, but it's pretty nearly always that."


Great looking tank man! Sad that people have to ruin your hard work by bringing their egos into it.


Originally Posted by Hefner413
what type of rock is that? It looks awesome.
Thanks, some of it is Fiji rock, but most of it (the branchy looking rock) is Allure rock. At least that is what it was labeled at the lfs I got it at. It wasn't cheap... it was 9 dollars a pound..
Thanks again


Originally Posted by mbnum2
Great looking tank man! Sad that people have to ruin your hard work by bringing their egos into it.

Thank you
It doesn't bother me, everyone is going to have their own opinion. I am well aware of the fact that at some point I will have to get rid of the tangs, until then i'm going to enjoy them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tuccio77
Thank you
It doesn't bother me, everyone is going to have their own opinion. I am well aware of the fact that at some point I will have to get rid of the tangs, until then i'm going to enjoy them.
I liked the now banned guy who said that putting a heater in the sump would stop stray voltage. As if the electricity is not going to conduct up the piping to the main tank. If you break your heater.


Haha, that guys banned now, yeah sorry for all the arguing, it was not an ego think, i was just telling the guy that 4 foot tank owners are aware of the 6 foot tang rule. anyways, enough said on that. how was it catching that angels, and what do you have for a stock list, one day i hope my 90 looks as good as yours


Originally Posted by AAnthony
Haha, that guys banned now, yeah sorry for all the arguing, it was not an ego think, i was just telling the guy that 4 foot tank owners are aware of the 6 foot tang rule. anyways, enough said on that. how was it catching that angels, and what do you have for a stock list, one day i hope my 90 looks as good as yours

Thanks, it was not as bad as i thought it would be... I bought a trap and had it in the the tank for a few days, after the fish got used to it, it was easy...