new pics of the 150


Active Member

i havent been able to run these through photoshop yet to clean up some color settings, so these are raw off the digi.
hope you enjoy!



Active Member
my first foray into SPS !
ORE green stylo

fiji blue acro


brand new blue torte, coloring back up

Red Echino


Active Member
beautiful tank! ur camera is not doing ur reef tank any justice. i am sure it looks a lot better in person.


What is that orange/redish/yellowish coral? Is that a plate coral?
By the way, Really nice tank!!! AA++++
Between your hammer and the blue mushrooms


Active Member
thanks guys, yes i have a an orange fungia (plate coral) and i have an orange monitpora capricornis the massive plating thing on the right of the tank.
my camera is decent, it just takes time messing with the settings trying to get a decent shot. i usually run through photoshop to clean them up before posting too but this time i didnt get around to it. oh and the last two pics i took this morning with the actinics on so the auto light adjust was a bit out of whack.


Nah, I think it is mediocre at best...

Just Kidding, it rocks man!
Beautiful tank, I can't wait to see more! Does the lobster cause any trouble? or is he pretty safe with the fish and inverts?
I thought I had seen a lobster's antennae peeking out in post 7 from under your Monti


Active Member
yea they are supposed to be not problem if kept fed. i wasnt feeding him silversides till this week and i think he managed to eat a shrimp or two because of it. but now i am giving him 1/2 of a silverside every week and he should be quite happy. i really like him! under the monti is his favorite place during the day, then at night he runs up to the top of the new red echino at the top of my tank. he really likes the echino for some reason, he was there within minutes of me plopping it in!


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
bump nobody else likes ? ; ;
My, aren't we needy.

Tank looks great. Those aquactinics really put out alot of light. Love those blue tubs. I got some from him also.