New Pics of the 29


Active Member
Thanx for the support guys..............I am wondering if this is someone I know somehow or something. Wierd.


Active Member
It seems like it would be but- ya never know. Mabye someone on this board under a diff name? I have a feeling it is someone that knows you- that isnt normal for someone to just start bashing like that- but i guess its possible

pa reef pig

even still...why would he be that much of a jerk...and why only pick on poor Ryan. There are plenty of people to pick on. Maybe he is just jealous.... of what, I have no idea...(just kidding Rye...;)


Active Member
I don't know either PA. For some reason I smell a slothy..........not really his style though............and why would he pick a dumb code-name like Joey Canole?;)

pa reef pig

I dont know slothy but you seem like a cool guy. I like you sence of humor. This "Joey Canole" reminds me of an infection I once had. YUCK;)

pa reef pig

They have this cream called "Go-Away-We-Dont-Want-You-Here".
Sometimes it works but sometimes the darn infection just wont take a hint. Not sure how old the infection is. Hopefully it had to go to bed. School tomorrow ya know.


Active Member
BTW- here is a 30 gal i set up for my mom a couple years back- nothin too fancy but she like it- there is also and Ebili angel in there-but it is behind a rock


Active Member
Cool...............looks nice. Does your mother maintain it or is that left up to you? She does a pretty good job if so.


Active Member
:D well- she might say she claens it- but her idea of tank cleaning is playing with the mag-float - i have to do WC and clean skimmer-fun!


Active Member

Originally posted by RyeBread
Here is my new little friend I got this week........................Bio-load is getting up there.

such a copy cat !!!what next a feather star ? punk ! lol
looking good.... !!!