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Originally posted by cincyreefer
Careful getting in the tank with the black tip... They freak out REALLY easy and could injure itself. How long is the tank? It doesn't look to me that it is long enough to house the black tip once it starts to get some size.
Tank looks great though!

I've kept the shark for nearly a year, and am quite familiar with his behavior/habits. So, as mentioned above, thank you for the advice.
I built this tank just to keep this shark. I knew what his adult size was then, and I know it now. I realize my tank is not as large as the one at the pet shop u work for... but I also have many other options lined up.
If you'd like to learn more about my tank/dimensions/future plans... feel free to use the search feature.
Thanks for the compliment. ;)


Active Member
Oh, it seemed to me as this was a newly set-up tank. Didn't know it had been home to the shark for that long, or that you had discussed this much more other than the other thread I saw. I didn't think that you had already been in the tank since you said you were just starting to take scuba lessons, so I thought I would let you know my experiences. I tried to get in with our's once.... It was a very bad idea and thought i would let you know.
I asked about the dimensions because it is a sore subject with me... I have heard about too many people trying to keep these sharks in a tank way too small and not realizing that these sharks are extremely difficult to successfully transport once they start getting a decent size. But i am glad to see that you have researched these guys well and provided it a good home. It is good to hear about a success story for once!


How quickly did you try entering the tank at work? I spend ALOT of time letting the sharks get used to my toes, then ankles, then calf's... etc etc. They really are a skittish shark. But if you go slowly, it might help. Seems to work well for me.
I understand what your saying, and I feel the same about these sharks. That's why I'm doing my best to do the right thing, in every way I can.:)



Originally posted by bbronco
could you put an eel in there with them?

I could, but small eels like snowflakes are too small (at least the ones I can find) and will get sucked into the pumps or escape. Large eels (I have a 2' black edge) could eat/try to eat the smaller sharks.