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Truthfuly, i just stacked the rocks on one another! There are 5 pieces of LR.
I can take close up of it but, the camera isn't available at this time. I'll try to take them for you tomorrow.
It took my about an hour or so until i was happy with it. I really like it because of the many different levels the rocks form.


OK. If my tank is all setup to be a reef tank and all i have to purchase is a skimmer and a new light what do you recommend?
I've looked at the coralife deluxe lights and i light that light but i'm not sure what types of corals i'll be able to get and un able to get! I would love to get an anemone, but i know that thier very difficult and i just dont know if i should be looking at.
I've also been told that the prizum protien skimmer is good but alot of poelpe are talking about the Aqua C Remora or the CPR backpak what do you think?


how many watts is the light your lookin at and i'm getting a CPR Bak Pak tomorrow so i'll tell u what i think tomorrow:D


why type of corals do you have or what types of corals are you looking to have? can you keep an anemones under this light? i would really like to fet one for my clowns but i'm not sure.


i'v got a long tentacle anemone in my tank right now and its thriving:joy: (clarkii clown is hosting it) another good anemone that doesn't need alot of light and is a good starters anemone is a Bubble tip anemone. If i were you i'd get a Bubble tip anemone after u get your good light. For these reasons.
1. has a great chance of living under that light
2.ALOT of false percs like your, host them
3. they split in some tanks and thats cool because then you have 2 anemones:D
as for the corals i dunno. right now i have no corals because i'm not done sitting up my live rock but after i get all the live rock i want i'll get some corals, dunno what kind though, not yet atleast. Will likely get something like an mushroom polyp first.


I like the bubble tip. . .do i need to have the skimmer in place to have the anemone or not? Are thier any other anemones you think are good? I like something with longer tenticle's that flow in the water?


i would get the skimmer and have it working before i'd get the BTA. Other anemones um......Ritteri anemones and Carpet anemones are the others that clown fish like yours will have a chance of hosting
so i'd go with one of those three


i really like the carpet but is that a good buy for a tank the size of mine (26gal) i here that they get huge, but i really like those?


they would do fine in a 26. You would just have to watch its size and take it out if it ever got really big but it might not get that big ever


Active Member

Originally posted by roadrunner
If i already have 2 clowns, and a lemonpeel angel in a 26 gal what would you recommend as a forth fishin the tank?
I was also wondering about what you though of the other suggestions poeple made, what i'm wondering about the most is the skunk shrimp? should i consider it?
should i consider any other critters? right now i have about 7 crabs and 7 snails. i was also told that i should look into getting sand sifting crabs? what do you think?

Adding another fish will not be good. 3 fish is plenty for a 26g. all of them still have alot of growing to do. A cleaner shrimp would be reall cool though. They are awesome. Your tank seems very clean, so i dont see a need for more snails or hermits.


I'm surprised this isn't a more popular post due to the comments/suggestions made by hiddenicon. Roadrunner, please research what is suggested to you...Any tang in a 26 gal. is bad news esp. a hippo or power blue. Moorish Idols are hard to keep i hear and butterflys can pick at corals if they want to, i know you were thinking of getting some. I also believe they require a much much larger tank.
As for the suggestion on the carpet....I believe they really need MH's to be a happy anenome, it would also take up a large part of your tank.
Some suggestions for colorful fish in my opinion would look for a damsel you like maybe or a royal gramma. They are a nice addition to any tank. You probably can't add very many more fish so I would be very selective in what you chose.
Good luck!



Originally posted by roadrunner
Why wont a clown host a Florida Condi Anemone?

They just don't...I don't know why....and the condi moves around an awful lot. Make sure you have any intakes covered well if you want one. I was always pulling mine out of ph and filter intakes....:scared: