new porcupine pics


New Member
Here are some pics of my new girlfriend suprised me w/ it as a gift...the porc has such a great personality...

what size tank should you have for a puffer ? and how many years does it take for them to reach a maximum size.I like the por. puffers but do not want to get a fish that will outgrow my 105 gall. tank.


New Member
Originally Posted by
what size tank should you have for a puffer ? and how many years does it take for them to reach a maximum size.I like the por. puffers but do not want to get a fish that will outgrow my 105 gall. tank.
I plan on keeping my porc in my 100fowlr for the rest of his life. His only tankmate is a huma trigger. Many on this board will preach
that it is too small, but IMO as long as water quality is kept high, food abundant and varied, and the selection of compatible tankmates, successful keeping has a higher chance, whether in a 100/125 gallon tank or a 500. The cost of setting up a 100+ gallon tank is...not cheap. If all of us could, our fish would have 1000+ gallon setups or we'd simply live next to them in our underwater ocean houses.


New Member
I agree w/ you...mine is in a 90 gallon tank w/ tons of live rock in a mature tank. You just have to make water changes a constant thing w/ these guys. When they pee/poop its really huge! lol all my other fish run away....protein skimming is essential w/ this type of messy eater


Originally Posted by wayne27
...or we'd simply live next to them in our underwater ocean houses.
Reminds me of something Jerry Seinfeld was complaining about. C'mon, it's 2006 where ARE the underwater bubble cities?


Active Member
Looks good

my porcy is a lazy ---, all he does is lay around on the sand bed until feeding time, then he's all over it.
My new golden puffer is the exact oposite, all over the tank and very playful.
what can you do?

ledzep fan

Active Member
Cool puffer. I have one thats 3 inches long and is the friendlyist (sp?) fish in the tank. He swims around my hand when I clean the tank.
Good Luck with him