new possible fish? a couple ?'s


hi, first off i'm thinking about adding a french and queen/blue(depends on which one we find on the dive) both probably around 5" to my 180. the tank has 200lbs of live rock, but not much else. i was wondering if the two angels would be ok in a 37 gal. qt for the first 4 weeks, the qt has been running for almost 2 years, with fish on and off. any thoughts?
thank you

saka bra

-the two fish will probabliy tear eachother apart in the qt. I have a frenchy my self and i love him. he is the boss of the tank fo sho. and mine is relatively reef safe; he does fine with colts, leathers and stony brains, and hoping to try my luck even further. 4-6 inches is the best to catch angels cuz there relatively more hardy and are not totally dependant on sponges and coral. you may be able to ween a juvenile off of sponges to the food you will give it more easily than an adult.
-they would both be ok in the 180gallon but not the qt at that size
get a french angel cuz i dont know anyone on this website that has a frenchy also
-imo frenchys are more interesting


the French by far is my favorite angel, so that one is definite. i do have a 55 i can set up that has a partition in the middle, just not sure it will be ready by the time we get home. the local collector is guaranteeing to find a French, but not the others. I'm hoping to get them in the changing or beginning adult phases.
we'll see.

saka bra

ya if you can set up the 55g with the partition in the middle, that would be fine. and that way you could tell if the two would be able to mix for sure in the 180g