new powderblue tang


I have a question about a powderblue tang.
just got in my qt tank about 36 hrs ago and
is not eating yet what should i do if any thing yet.


Active Member
hmmm IMO i think it can wait a tad longer, turn lights off so its not stressed, if it doesnt eat in another 6 hours or so then post again. They can be quite timid in my experience so patience is needed, why is it in your QT tank? What are the levels in there etc? Is it a recent addition?
All the best,
Tim :cool:
What are you trying to feed the tang? I've heard that giving it food soaked in garlic is often a good idea and that most fish go crazy for it. Also, what size tank are you putting the tang into? Your stats say you have a 55 already with a yellow tang in it. Adding the powder blue would be far too many fish for a 55.
Try feeding it seeweed. I have found that the fish store seeweed is preferred to the supermarket nori. Also, mine only eats when the seeweed is low in the tank. If I float it, it will ignore it. I put it in a clip, and slide the clip down to the bottom. Good luck.


Active Member
Hey again, yes i think 2 tangs in a 55 is a bit mad, there are people here in the tang police who would hang you for it! I want 2 tangs in a 75 and I was told not to!
But anyway, with the issue in hand I suggest you get back to us asap with the answers to our questions and we can take it from there! :D
All the best,
Tim :cool:


Hello I'm at work now so I will get back to everyone when i get
home. Thank you for your help. As for 2 tangs in a 55gal my
lfs told me that this would be o.k. and that should be your max
for fish


I had Powderblue tang in my 90gallon tank I think you should
remove him to a main tank Powder blue tang needs alot of swimming place after I moved him to my main tank he ate some food I lost my PB tang in my 38 gallon QT tank Give him some space to swim


Active Member
Well personally I think you cant have 2 Tangs in that space, I would have to disagree with the LFS on that one, maybe I am wrong, its just my opinion. If thats what the LFS said then I am sure they will be more than happy to attach a guarantee with that and give you your money back if it dies!
You have to make the decision; sure you can fit 2 tangs in 50g and they will live, but what is their quality of life going to be like? I know ideally they would like 10000000g but its good to compromise. If they are relatively young it can work for now but may have to look for something bigger in the future.
WOuld be a good idea to speak to our new shark (;) ) Ophiuora as she is very knowledgable on tangs and may put me right in my place and tlel me im wrong! :rolleyes:
All the best,
Tim :cool:


Active Member
Nori on a clip soaked in selcon s/b good. also soak some frozen brine and offer. It could take up to a week to eat. PB are very finicky during the acclimation process. Try to give it some time and as less stress as possible. I find that taping black construction paper to the bottom and sides helps calm them down and relieves stess.
The PB will not do well in a 55 especially with another tang. Please don't do it. Your LFS is wrong. Also, you were overstocked before you bought the PB. SOrry.


Thank's for the imfo, I'll have to think about
what I will do about 2 tangs in a 55gal if anyone
wants to put thier two cents in I could use as much
imfo as possible until then we will try to get him to eat a
little. I'll keep everyone updated.
p.s. this would be a good reason
to get a bigger tank sooner
then I wanted.


I just got out of work and the powderblue is eating just fine.
I will say the qt tank is a 20gal long and plain to keep the fish
in there for 4 weeks. The reef tank is 55gal (48"x12"x20) and
my plain are to buy a 120gal (72"x18x20) by the end of the
summer so the size of both tang (yellow 3" - 4") and
(powderblue 2" - 3") it is my opionion that the fish will be
just fine. I will pay attention and the first sign of any problems
I will do what is best for the fish. Thank you for your info and
the more I get the more I'll learn.


Active Member
Tim, nope, your spot on with this! I agree.
For the uncomfortable situation of having 2 tangs in a 55g, the PBT would not get my vote at all. I do not think you will regret Qing this fish. Because it is highly prone to ich. This way, you can at least give it some attention and feeding before it does battle with the yellow.

sinner's girl

I have a question,
will the pb be ok in a 20GL for 4 weeks? I'm more worried about the stress the qt may cause him. Is it better for the pb to be in a small tank for a few weeks than not to be qt'd?
some lfs will tell you anything to make a sale. In the future try doing a little research before buying a fish. good luck with it.


The lfs that I do all of my business with has been up front with meon everything that I baught from them in the past and don't think that they would try to **ck me over a $50.00 PB and loose a customer that has spent over $3000.00 in the past
year. So I think that they think the tank I plain to put the fish in is going to be fine.
I would like to thank everyone who wrote in about this matter it was all very helpful. So with that said my plain to go to a bigger tank in the near future as long as all the fish stay healthy I will be putting the fish in my tank.
The fish will stay in qt tank for another 3 weeks
and I will be keeping a close eye on him/her for any problems
that may come up. The fish being healthy and happy is my only


I had a similar experience as you. My lfs which usually gives good advice told me it was o.k. to put a powder blue in my 55 with my sailfin. I also have spent that type of $ there in the last year-however, that doesn't mean anything-so do a lot of people. Actually my pb was sick when I got him and he recovered in about a week or two in my tank he was also larger. I kept him for about 3 months before the two started to constantly back up at each other with their fins up. To avoid the inevitable spiking of one of them and the stress that it would have caused the rest of my tank I took him back. and needless to say I never listened to that employee ever again. That is exactly why I am so thankful to find this site to prevent any mistakes such as this. Never buy fish because you think you will have a bigger tank in a year. Buy them for the tank you have now and when you get a bigger tank- buy the fish for that tank.


Well again another different with lfs and the nice people
on this form. I was also told the pb was the fish I would add
last because It was more agressive. Well time to look a lot
deeper into this problem. I'll keep everyone posted on what
else I find out.
JJA, you made a very good point about the tank that I'll
buy soon and the one I have now. I've beginning to change
my mindabout the whole thing. I'm going to get in touch with
a friend with a 120gal (72" long) Its about 8 month old. The
friend wanted one also but didn't have the $ so I'll see if he
will take the fish after the qt is done.
And again thank you everyone for your input on this.
I guess I learn I have to do a lot more research before the
money is spent and the fish is harmed.


Active Member
With all due respect to all LFS'...but I would always take the consensus opinion from this board over their advice. Just my 2 cents. Some mean well but are misinformed while others don't mean well at all and knowingly sell you fish you shouldn't buy . You're making a wise decision to find other accomadations for your PB. They are beautiful and admiring fish but a bit delicate. Once acclimated in a tank they are great . I absolutely love mine. Great personality and definately a prize! Best of luck!