new prices 55gal. & everything


What a lier!!!!!! :mad: Hes mad because I posted in his thread as he did mine,
I have never done business with him and dont even know who he or she is?????. The moderaters need to check this guy out, He's here to start trouble with honest folks. He has posted in many other peoples threads trying to sell his stuff over theirs, This guy needs to keep to him self. He sounds like he is 12 years old or something. I ask nicely if he would not post in my threads and his exact words were......I can post anywhere I want!!!!!!. Does that sound safe to you, or would you want to take a chance on dealing with someone with no morals or a sense of being an adult for the matter. It's just rude to sell your stuff on someone elses selling thread. I did it to see how he felt about it, Didnt like it, Did you!!!!
If any of you guys and gals would like to email me I would be happy to email back, I'm not rude like this clown.
Go to ---- where you would fit in with alot of those AZZ CLOWNS. (Not to affend any good ebayers out there that do good business).
We are tired of clowns like you, and I'm sure that alot of people would agree. Its people like you that mess up a good place to sell and trade, because no one wants to get burnt....Get It!!!! I've been doing reefs for about 12 years and have done business with alot of people, also I work at Fish store in Springfield IL, In the saltwater section, I take care of the fish and reefs there. So if they trust me to do my job, then??????? Hum, looks like you lose!!!!!.
I dont have time to deal with this clown, but i would like everyone to know on this board that, If you need anything, I can find it or get it cheaper for any member, or atleast almost any member.
As for the moderators of this board I am sorry for this post but I think it is Just. I go to many boards and find dirtbags that ruin them and drive people away. I love this board and the people on it, dont make me hate it, like the others.
Have a nice day


well i am honored that you base your time around me because if you didnt you wouldnt of took the time to write such a deep note to me, and its a public post, last time i checked people are writting in people threads all over the place.. if you didnt care about me so much you wouldnt waste your time and continue to write in my post, last time i checked im not in your post at all, practice what you preach..because if you did you wouldnt show up on mine at all


Originally Posted by forsale
well i am honored that you base your time around me because if you didnt you wouldnt of took the time to write such a deep note to me, and its a public post, last time i checked people are writting in people threads all over the place.. if you didnt care about me so much you wouldnt waste your time and continue to write in my post, last time i checked im not in your post at all, practice what you preach..because if you did you wouldnt show up on mine at all
Thank you, Thats what I wanted to hear. We are good now.


The powerheads are not 404's they are 422's,the heater that comes with the isolation tank is a Visti-Therm 300W,115V,50-60 hz, and the skimmer is a turbo fluter -ocean runner 2500 it does 650 gal an hr. and the heater is a tetra


Is your 55 gallon tank still up for sale. where in cleveland are you located i am in toledo which is kinda close.


Active Member
hey do you have a couple higher power, powerheads and a heater?? im lookin for these things....didnt know if you had something avail.


Hello..yes the 55gal tank is still me and we can work it


the powerheads for sale are 422's and the heater is a tetra and the other ones is a visti-therm 300w, 115v, 50-60hz


Active Member
Originally Posted by forsale
come on guys..good deals, need to sell..skimmer may still be for sale after all
How much for the skimmer? Email me at merredeth@ - obviously, you know to put the @gmail together with my name. Also can you scan a picture?
Denise M.