New Project - Custom Wall Tank


New Member
Hello. I am new here.
Last weekend I purchased a Tenecor 100G reef ready Acrylic tank. I am in the process of setting up my tank through my living room wall and the garage. (My house is only a month old - OUCH)
Last Sunday, we built the stand and tore down the wall. The size of the wall is 60x20.
I am fairly new to this but have been researching and reading a lot of your posts for the past couple of months.
This weekend I plan to buy more equipment so i can have my coral grow..then start adding fish's and other animals to my aquarium within the next few months.
Just wanted to share the experience. Please comment. Ideas and suggestions are always appreciated.


Hey ... cool. Please post more pics. We LOVE pics.
How will having the tank in the garage effect your heating/cooling of the tank? I'd like to do that too but my garage here in Michigan gets way too cold in the winter :)


New Member
Yes I am sure the heating and cooling of the garage will affect my tank. I will be buying a chiller and a heater soon. I live in Houston.. so its gets pretty hot down here. I was thinking about putting a room around it.. but it might get hotter down there when its all enclosed. We will see how things work out as I continue the project. You can always add it behind a closet too.. just make sure you arent hitting any plumbing of anykind.. or electrical. I took pics of my house before they sheetrocked it.. so i knew there wasnt anything behind that part of the wall.
This weekend I plan to clean up the edges and add a clean border to the edges of the sheetrock.
Here is what the back looks like. Its not as professional as how others had it here. But i also plan to straighten things out.


I think you will have heat problems in the summer and possibly cold problems in the winter I would recommend building a wall around the tank and insulate it very well with ventilation or A/C from the house. I think you would be happier and would have less problems with temp fluctuations. otherwise it will take a HUGE chiller to pull down that tank to 78-80 degrees.


New Member
Thanks Pmauro. I will look into building a room around the tank with insulaition/ventilation. Just wondering.. on your sheetrock edges.. did you add compund to it and then sand it down? Did you use any tape or mesh? Thats what I plan to do this weekend and clean it up. Just wondering whats the best approach for a clean and durable wall.
By the way.. I love your wall. Wish I had carpentry/building experience likes yours :)