New puffer...Very worried!!!


New Member
We just brought home a 8" Guinea Fowl Puffer. She is black with white spots and is the most beautifuly fish. Anyway, she is a bit thin but, the owner said she was most definetely eating.
And, earlier today, we saw a white sac-like object protruding through the anus. But, she didn't expel it. It got sucked back in.
Please help. She hasn't eaten for 48 hours even though I've seen her take a bite of some food, she won't swallow any. And, we're afraid she might have some sort of internal parasite that is causing her a lot of problems.


New Member
She finally ate tonight! Patience and good husbandry do pay off. Thanks for listening.
We started by offering her coctail shrimp, krill, silversides, live ghost shrimp and have been dosing with Garlic Extreme. She finally went after some really tiny piece of shrimp today. So, i broke up the pieces of shrimp really small and it got her kickstarted. Then, she started eating anything I would put in there. Thanks again.