New Puffer


i used to feed my porcupine goldfish. Thats what they would feed him and the LFS at that time. This was about 5 years ago though. it was pretty morbid though, to see him chase after the goldfish, and then catch him, sometimes my brittle star even got him to, and gulped him right up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nemo1234
i used to feed my porcupine goldfish. Thats what they would feed him and the LFS at that time. This was about 5 years ago though. it was pretty morbid though, to see him chase after the goldfish, and then catch him, sometimes my brittle star even got him to, and gulped him right up.
Goldfish are not healthy for your porc puffer to eat. No freshwater fish! I would recommend krill, squid, etc...


krill, and my porc looovvvesssss silverside. if you are having trouble with those, try a gumbo mix at a grocery store (mine has squid, nautilis, octopus, clam, and scallops)


Originally Posted by GRabbitt
Goldfish are not healthy for your porc puffer to eat. No freshwater fish! I would recommend krill, squid, etc...
Yeah, I find that out after a while.... i went to a new LFS and they told me that it was unhealthy... it wouldn't be in there own habitat out in the ocean, so, why would you add this to your tank. It was just a note of what NOT to do. I've learned a lot since then, like I said, it was 5 years ago.


Active Member
Really great fish. They grow big & fast and become very owner-friendly. I don't think I've ever had a fish that I considered a dog-type pet.Feed them any SW meaty item, smaller ones often like formula I or II; a healthy one will eat anything. A small FW feeder, OCCASIONALLY (maybe once every 3 weeks), is OK--IMO. They need something to gnaw on, to keep teeth growth in check.;I've always used a piece of 100% natural cuttlebone, the kind for birds.


Active Member
Any meaty food like krill, squid, silversides, clams. Also you should put some whole clams or mussels in there every so often to help him wear down his beak.


Mine was about 2 inches when I got him. He loved silversides, clams, squid and mussels. Plus the occasional snail or hermit crab that he liked to hunt and snack on when the lights were off.
It took about 3 days before he would only accept food from my hand and demand to be hand fed. Good luck they are awesome fish and I miss mine terribly.