New Puppy!!


Active Member
here is my new beagle puppy:
He's about 9 weeks old now. Really a sweetheart. His name is bleezo (to the left) and this is his brother dubee (on the right) that my buddy got. They are cute as hell when they play together



Active Member
LoL, lookit them motor-tongues!!

super cute. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! Congrats!!!
.....and post more pix!!!

al mc

Active Member
ZAno....Nice pups. I passed this along to Dragon when Riley was first posted.
Advice: One has a collar on. I would not put them in a wire cage with a collar on..bad things, will unlikely, can happen. Also, pull the cage away from the electrical outlet..bored puppies have an amazing ability to lick/chew anything.


Active Member
Aw, geeze, not another adorable puppy thread. I can't stand it and am going into diabetic shock from all the sweetness

Hey, that puppy is almost, and I repeat almost, as cute as my dog Goldie on the left in my avatar. All puppies are cute, and beagles are among the very cutest pups ever made. Wanna trade for a 3 year old housebroken, obedient, spayed, certified squirell catching mix breed? I'll even spring for shipping!