New Purple Tang


I got a new purple tang the other day, any tips on how to keep him happy? I havent had any luck with tangs in the past, but for 40 bucks, i figured Id give them another try. Anyone have any advice???

tru conch

Active Member
make sure that you have some algea/seaweed for him to munch on. most tangs love to graze all day.


Active Member
Nori on a clip, good water quality, large tank, uncrowded conditions and compatible tankmates. Let us have a bit more info and we'll try to provide more help. Good luck...I've had one for 3 years and he's doing great!!


just keep him fed and make sure he has someplace to go hide if he feels like it. mine spends most of his time in a rock tunnel i built for him.. he's about 5" and fat.. i only feed him formula-one flake and mysis occasionaly.. every now and then i'll bring home some grape caulerpa from the store but he's awesome and doing great..god luck with him


Ive had 2 tangs in the past, the first was a yellow tang that became the victim of my roommate's care when i was in Italy...he didnt keep on the water level and probably fed him too much. As a result the tang died and my percula was sick.
The second was a Kole tang that might have been sick when i got him, but he kept getting stuck in water intakes etc. So he was either stupid, or had some disease i couldnt id when i got him. He took my Coral Beauty with him when he died too. Perculas survived that one too.
So its nothing major, just bad turns of events
I have a 37 gallon tank, with about 30 lbs live rock, a sea clone skimmer, hang on filter, and 2 55 watt PC lights (10000K and Actinic). Now I have ony the purple tang and the percula, a cleaner shrimp and and urchin, and a TON of pulsing Xenia (anyone want some?)


Jwtrojan- No need for the lecture dude. The tang is very small (original cost $40), and yes i know that they get large, ive been in this hobby a while. It was free because of a xenia trade, so its no skin off my back. I know im taking a chance, and it seems quite happy, so im keeping him.


Active Member
Well folks another frustration. SOmeone posts asking for advice on how to keep a tang happy. A person w/ lots of experience w/ them gives advice ( I concur w/ this advice), and the person acuses him of lecturing and chooses to ignore the advice. In fact his terminoloy " no skin off my back" seems to suggest he doesn't much care for the fishes health at all.
STOP WASTING OUR TIME, YOUR TIME AND FISH LIVES. If your going to post and ask for advice, the least you can do is consider it and don't flat out ignore it while accusing the responder of lecturing because you don't like the response.
I hole hardly argee with flamehawk. How could you say "No Skin Off My Back"?!? Maybe you should look in to keeping pet rocks instead of fish. I have a 55 gal long as one of my salt tanks, and even though a tang could live in it, the question would be "Will It Be Happy?" <img src="graemlins//uhuh.gif" border="0" alt="[U-Huh]" />


Active Member
Forget about trying to blame"*****". With your "no sweat off my back" comment, you've shown your true colors.
Your other two tangs died because your tank is too small for tangs, period. You can choose to rectify the situation or have another tang die. You unfortunately have choosen eventually death . This is quite unfortunate and can't be blamed on anyone else but yourself.
There is still time to do the right thing and hopefully you will.

nyy fan

I don't necessarily believe that the man has chosen "eventual death" for his purple tang. I know people who keep Tangs in 37 to 55G tanks, and the fish are doing great. As a matter of fact, there are members here who have Tangs in "smaller sized" tanks.
While I don't agree that it is OK to purposely put a fish in a "deadly" environment, I do think it is fair for BB members to ask the best way to "go against the grain" so to say.
There are always going to be situations that are not "rule of thumb"...such as Pygmy Angels being in reef tanks, more than one type of clown living together, clams only living under MH....etc.
Give advice...then take care of your own tank. As Broomer likes to say...Your tank, Your choice.


I agree with everybody--tank's too small
It is HIS choice-everyone goes against the "rules" sometimes in some way or another. Sometimes people just need to know the best wrong way to do things.
Feed that tang lots of veggies and trade him in when he gets bigger or get a bigger tank. I decided my 100g is too smalll for mine and my queen angel so I just ordered a 170 for them. Also remeber these are very aggressive-especially in smaller confines I don't know what else if anything you have in there, but keep an eye on them if there is as this will be an issue.
These are incredible fish, enjoy him, (while you can)


Thank you NYY for your help... I was being eaten alive. I too know someone that has kept tangs in smaller tanks (a 29 gallon), and I think its possible to keep some types of tangs in smaller tanks while they are small. Obviously when the thing gets larger something will have to be done; nobody wants a sick fish or skyrocketing ammonia. While its small though, I'm keeping it. I also have kept pygmy angels in this reef tank, and have had no problems, to add to that comment.
As for the other tangs dying, one was sick when I bought him, and the other died because someone else was taking care of my tank while I was in Italy for 2 weeks. He messed up the salinity by not adding water and over fed them. (Read what I wrote before) Both weren't my fault, and the deaths werent because my tank is too small or because I dont know what I'm doing.
Maybe putting a tang in a 37 gallon makes me a rogue saltwater fish guy or something, but I'm not in this hobby to kill fish, its too cool and too expensive. Something to think about though: Aren't we are all taking these fish out of their natural environments, flying them thousands of miles and keeping them in our living rooms? Also, many of us buy live rock broken off natural reefs in the ocean, so maybe we should all think twice before throwing stones. Just a thought.