New Ray- Not Eating


New Member
Hello! Not sure if this is the right place to post this but here goes. I am new here and fairly new to the world of saltwater and reef tanks. I have owned cichlids for awhile but recently decided to take the big leap to saltwater. Now on to my questions.
I have a 125 gallon tank. It currently has 1 wolf eel, 1 spiny puffer, 1 wartskin frogfish, 2 clownfish. I did some research on all of these before purchasing and they seem to be doing fine in my tank so far. They all get along great and all eat well and appear happy.
I recently added a yellow spot stingray. He appears to be healthy but I have not been able to get him to eat. He has only been in the tank 2 days, and I read that they might not eat for a week or so after being introduced. I have tried putting some shrimp and squid near his mouth with tongs but he just scoots away. There are also live ghost shrimp in there to entice him. He swims just fine and looks healthy. The sand is fine so that it doesnt scratch or cut him. Is it normal for him to not be eating yet? Am I doing the right thing by trying to entice him to eat?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jackie1
Hello! Not sure if this is the right place to post this but here goes. I am new here and fairly new to the world of saltwater and reef tanks. I have owned cichlids for awhile but recently decided to take the big leap to saltwater. Now on to my questions.
I have a 125 gallon tank. It currently has 1 wolf eel, 1 spiny puffer, 1 wartskin frogfish, 2 clownfish. I did some research on all of these before purchasing and they seem to be doing fine in my tank so far. They all get along great and all eat well and appear happy.
I recently added a yellow spot stingray. He appears to be healthy but I have not been able to get him to eat. He has only been in the tank 2 days, and I read that they might not eat for a week or so after being introduced. I have tried putting some shrimp and squid near his mouth with tongs but he just scoots away. There are also live ghost shrimp in there to entice him. He swims just fine and looks healthy. The sand is fine so that it doesnt scratch or cut him. Is it normal for him to not be eating yet? Am I doing the right thing by trying to entice him to eat?
It's probably not time to panic. Are you thawing the squid before offering it? Squid is good because it has a strong odor but doesn't thaw real well. I'd try some silversides and/or krill.
Also the puffer is not an appropriate tankmate for a ray. I'd decide between the two and move the other... quickly.


I definitely agree the puffer is a poor tank mate choice for a ray. Also it's possible the puffer could be stressing the ray out - which may be causing it not to eat.
But I would still suggest attempting to feed the ray on a daily basis. Hopefully it's just a problem getting it acclimated to the tank. Also rays need to be fed daily.


Active Member
Originally Posted by premilove
is a 125 too small for a ray?
In the long run... yes. But a 72" x 18" footprint should be ok until the ray is about 8" in diameter, IMO. Depending on how big the ray is now, you may have some time. Fortunately a yellow is pretty hardy so I'll bet the OP's pulls through.


Active Member
try feeding mysis shrimp, plankton, squid yum yums.. these are all small foods i fed my ray when i had him.. i hand fed mine
i did not thaw the foods first i placed the frozen block near his mouth it thaws quickly in the tank.. after a while he learned i was a source of food.
this is a pic of my ray being petted he loved it


I also hand feed mine, I do thaw the food though...I feed squid and silversides (fish food)
I buy frozen RAW (shell on) shrimp from the store, I thaw it, take shell off, I cut it in half and tenderize it a little and she loves it. I also feed
Store bought RAW scallops, you would think it was candy the way she eats it.
Just be sure if you buy from the store it is raw and not processed.


New Member
Thanks for the help everyone! I finally got him to eat some krill. It was so neat to watch. After reading all of your advice, I decided to give the ray a new home. I did not want the puffer to pick on him, and think he needed a bigger tank. He is now in a 200 something gallon tank with a buddy :).