Yea...did u do any actual "research" b4 buying this fish? Or did you just go out and buy it cuz u thought it looked cool? Triggers dont go well with lions...and dont matter if it was housed with one at the store. A trigger is like a fragile time bomb, it can be allright, but then go off at any moment. Just think about that, and Im not saying that it WILL kill yer lion, but wen/if it does, dont come here asking why the trigger killed yer lion. As for feeding, do some searches. There are literally hundreds of threads on these forums explaining the feeding of a lionfish. It'll do you good to look at some of those. You have to think about these things b4 u go and get a fish. If you did some searching, you'd know that it is tough to get a lion to eat prepared foods, and that they are generally not compatible with triggers. A puffer would've been a much better choice. Now your tankmates will be limited...research research.....